Archive from May, 2013
May 27, 2013 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Glory and Honour

Some times there are just not enough days between the cradle and the grave. Much of our days on earth we find ourselves in a hurry and running out of time. Have you ever thought about the simple fact that you and I are running out of time? Scripture tells us that we are wise to number our days. What does that mean? How can we do that when we don’t know how long we live. The Bible also tells us that on average we are given about seventy years. Compared to eternity that is no time at all. So no matter if you live seven or seventy years, it’s nothing. All the minutes we live are precious. Their value is beyond price. And yet much of the time we are given is wasted. One day we stand before God to give an account of our days. How many of those days glorified the Creator and lover of our souls? How many were spent encouraging others to seek the God who will hold them accountable for their days? I have found there are only two choices in life. Honoring and glorifying myself or submitting to God and His will. My will or His will; is it my life or does it belong to Him? We’re daily in a hurry to do our will, go where we want, think what we want, love who we want. The question we all should contemplate; why are we here? The Bible says God created the world and us for His pleasure. God loves to be praised. He is the Creator of all things. He gave himself for the salvation of our souls. He is worthy to be praised and that is exactly what He desires from us. God loves us. He wants us to love Him. He wants that intimate fellowship with us, the kind that melts your heart. He wants you to desire Him as much as He desires you. So, praise the Lord, exalt Him as King. Let everything that has breath praise His holy name!