Archive from April, 2015
Apr 15, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Love is defined in first Corinthians 13 and characterizes how God deals with His creation. I like to think of love as the action of doing the right thing. We have to refer to God for knowing the right thing although according to Romans it is woven into the fabric of our minds and we are without excuse if we don’t do the right thing. Reading scripture daily should galvanize our resolve to do the unselfish and right thing. As an example, the ten commandments tell us to honor our father and mother. We all know that some mothers and fathers aren’t worth honoring. But we are told to do it and in doing so we honor the role of a parent. Just because a parent was a louse doesn’t give us license to abandon the idea that parenting is important. The family should be protected from the assault of naysayers who want to justify the elimination of the parenting authority. They would have it turned over to the state. I’m not sure the nuclear family will withstand the destruction of moral foundations which the progressives have thrust upon society. It is way past time that “good” people stood up for what is right and loving and stop bowing to the whims and waywardness of the leftist.

Apr 6, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Richard Maybury

I’ve been a subscriber to EWR for three plus years. He offers a historical view of current events and I believe you would benefit greatly from his insight. As a Christian I see what’s unfolding differently but he is very well read and his advise is most valuable. He changed my thinking on several fronts because I was biased out of ignorance. This being the age of deception I want to make sure I’m not one of those deceived. I encourage you to subscribe.

Apr 2, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments

No Twinkies Served Here

Someone once said that “all men are created equal” and are bestowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights or life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the wisdom of our progressive elite and their millions of minions, equal means the perpetrator is just as valuable as the victim; at least that was the interim situation. Now the murderer has more rights than the unborn, the liars are mocked while the ethical are harassed, the slothful and undependable are to share in the wealth of the hard worker. The government welfare machine has made us all equally worthless. No matter who you are or what you do, we all are dependent on the government, for their regulations taint every aspect of our lives. It controls our money and therefore controls what we will stand up for. That’s why so few stand against this immoral generation. We are on the verge of economic collapse stemming from the moral relativism of our society. To think we shall somehow escape the consequences of rejecting the good and applauding the evil is beyond foolish.