Hot Cars
Living in Phoenix is an eye-opener to just how degraded our society has become. There are murders, robbery, assaults and all the other crimes just like the small city I left in the north except much more of it. But one crime is so disturbing it makes me believe we are on the verge of a collapse of civilization. It is the leaving of small children in a locked car in the hot Arizona sun. If the child is lucky, someone notices and calls the police. Most of the time the parent or fill-in-the-blank says they forgot their child was in the car. Really? They forgot? What kind of misfits are becoming parents these days. My wife and I never “forgot” our child in the car. How do you forget your child? Maybe it’s because they’ve been taught they’re nothing but animals; they just evolved into the piece of crap they are. They won’t answer to God; why, He doesn’t exist; so they think. Sometimes I understand the flood of Noah. Sometimes I think judgment is sooner than I think. Actually it’s overdue.