Jan 12, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Here it is mid-January and I’m trying to find motivation to write something “worth” reading. I don’t think I’ve ever written anything profound but my purpose as stated in the beginning is to say a few things that might help others along with myself not to become chumps. We now live in the day of “fake news”. Some of it is spawned by those Eddie Haskels who just get a kick out of seeing how far their absurd lies travel; anything for a good laugh. Others from kooks to CNN and the CIA spread stories out of a desire to believe the worst in people they dislike, spread their world view, and sway the minds of readers. In this day and age we can research so much but google searches can be misleading and Wikipedia has its agenda too. It always pays to look at the source of the story, realize their prejudices and our own so we can better understand what they’re trying to convey. Are they so married to their beliefs that they’ve lost all objectivity? In the dirty world of politics this is certainly the case. Scripture tells us to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Obviously slow to speak means slow to give an opinion because we realize people don’t say things except to get a reaction and many times the reaction they want is anger. Starting out every day with the Bible is the surest way to sort out the fake from the real. Written thousands of years ago, the Word of God attends to only the most important issue, the condition of a persons heart. There are stories aplenty detailing mans propensity to sin. Lying, stealing, murder, you name it, man loves sin and is a slave to it. In reading scripture daily we are continually reminded of our own tendency to be wrong. As Christians our job is not to make the world a better place but to be fishers of men. We’re only to catch them and encourage them to put their trust in Jesus Christ for everything in this life and in the life to come. Give people the Word of God and the all the fake stuff they’re exposed to won’t have such a heavy impact.

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