The Hood
I was reminiscing with my son today about what it was like growing up in our house. He said something that I’d never thought of. His older brother used to listen to rap and so as their bedrooms were right next to each other he had to listen to the rap his brother was playing. It was like growing up in the hood, continually being bombarded by lewd, crude, and rude lyrics which was a total infringement on his life. Many times we don’t realize how much an older sibling impinges on the younger ones moods and happiness. Wish I knew then what I know now. The younger had to sit through all the sports games the older played, deal with his anger over losing a game, and whatever else rocks their boat. We spent so much time dealing with the issues of the oldest we forgot to take the time and ask the younger ones how they were doing, how they were being impacted by the chaos. I don’t know if much could have changed; but being asked would have let them know I was thinking of them too. I love all my children and they now know it. It would have been important if they had known it when they were young.