Archive from May, 2017
May 16, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Hood

I was reminiscing with my son today about what it was like growing up in our house. He said something that I’d never thought of. His older brother used to listen to rap and so as their bedrooms were right next to each other he had to listen to the rap his brother was playing. It was like growing up in the hood, continually being bombarded by lewd, crude, and rude lyrics which was a total infringement on his life. Many times we don’t realize how much an older sibling impinges on the younger ones moods and happiness. Wish I knew then what I know now. The younger had to sit through all the sports games the older played, deal with his anger over losing a game, and whatever else rocks their boat. We spent so much time dealing with the issues of the oldest we forgot to take the time and ask the younger ones how they were doing, how they were being impacted by the chaos. I don’t know if much could have changed; but being asked would have let them know I was thinking of them too. I love all my children and they now know it. It would have been important if they had known it when they were young.

May 11, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Friendly Faces

I’ve spent some time with my grandchildren and in doing so have had to endure the “cartoons” they watch. Children of today are bombarded with continual action on the screen. Superheroes battle hideous looking enemies. Many of the cartoon figures are demonic looking. Hollywood is indoctrinating our children with leftist drivel and at the same time destroying their ability to ponder reality.

Studies show that watching videos hampers a child’s attention span. This is why many children have difficulty learning. But that is not what concerns me; it’s the indoctrination. My grandchildren are getting used to vile looking beasts and all sort of demon like creatures. There was one scene that sticks in my mind. Some type of Supergirl was confronting Superboy and her words to him are: The world doesn’t need a savior. Interesting phrase don’t you think. Children are being prepared to accept anything the mind of man can conceive.

God said He would pour a great deception upon the earth. I believe this will be the coming of aliens from other planets. Actually, they will be demons and this generation will be easily duped as they’ve grown up watching and believing whatever the warlocks in Hollywood have spoon fed them. This may sound outlandish to some. Jesus warned us to make sure that we are not deceived as the deception will be totally convincing.

The truth about everything is being questioned. What once was obvious common sense is looked upon as stuff of fairy tales. The youth have been charmed by videos to accept the friendly faces of hell. Our children are fast becoming immune to truth and morality. Look up. Our redemption is drawing nigh.

May 9, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Hot Wheels

I live in a suburb of Phoenix Arizona. It gets hot here. About now you’re thinking that is a condescending thing to say. Around this time of year all the local news anchors warn us that it is getting hot out and it is not safe to leave your pets or children in the car. It’s surprising how often that happens and it’s not just an Arizona phenomena. A Phoenix police dog even died from being left in a hot police vehicle. I guess people need to be warned but I wonder how hard is it to remember those you love that are mere inches away from you. We are becoming more distracted by the day. Maybe if you’re texting (whilst driving no doubt) that you’re dropping your little one off at daycare, you actually believe you did it. We are mesmerized by those little screens and our children and pets are paying the price for our amnemonic lifestyle.

May 6, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Black and White

There is supposedly no progress in racial relations over the last fifty years. This is pure nonsense. We elected a black man president of the United States twice. That was an absurd thought back in the sixties. The idea that all men are created equal is more true today than when those words were penned by that awful slave owner. Our founders knew that phrase would have huge ramifications on all men including slaves. Washington, Jefferson, and many others were born at a time when slavery was being abandoned by western culture. Slavery would have died in the U.S. too. But in man’s impatient wisdom 620,000 souls had to perish in a brutal civil war. Men of that era grew up in families that owned slaves. Washington inherited ten slaves at eleven years old. He and his peers grew up at a time that owning slaves was common practice. For thousands of years slavery was just a natural part of life on planet earth. It takes years to change a system that you grew up believing was normal. So thoughts about the lawfulness of slavery took years to evolve. It was pure Christianity and western adherence to natural law that made freedom for the slave possible. Today the Communist influenced hippie slob generation became an easy target for the democratic party. Politics after all is about staying in power. Lyndon Johnson not only took credit for the civil rights movement but have for years done a fine job of racial division. Blacks have been happy pawns of the democrats for years. Never mind that abortion clinics were placed where blacks had easy access. Along with Medicaid, government housing, food stamps, and other programs in the war on poverty, the black community along with the young have been corralled in state programs and allowed the democrats to maintain and expand their strangle hold on a large part of the voting public. Medicare gave democrats control of the elderly and government handouts gave them control of the poor. Power corrupts the morals and the judgment. If democrats really cared about blacks they would give Bill Cosby the same consideration they give Bill Clinton. Their problem with Donald Trump is that he is a member of a fraternity the left has demonized, that being the white male. In fact, Mr. Trump is not only white, he isn’t a wimpy white. He likes women. He believes in what he says. In short, he is a type A white male which is anathema to leftist thugs. Democracy is mob rule; all you need is 51% to crush your opposition. That is why the U.S. is a republic; it makes it harder for the mobs to destroy the little people.

May 4, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Spilled Milk

Whenever I am with a group, I usually don’t offer much input to the conversation. I find most people don’t have any grasp of the facts. We talk of healthcare, taxes, domestic problems, and international affairs. Somehow everyone thinks we can just modify, adjust, repeal, or pass a new law and everything will be fine. If we just elect the right person, things will be Ok. Did you ever spill your glass of milk? The old saying is “you can’t cry over spilled milk”. All you can do is mop it up. There’s no saving the milk. The same can be said for everything we face. Unthinkable debt is not fixable. The lunatic in North Korea or the millennial generation of educated fools can’t be fixed either. As believer we know there is one coming who will “fix” everything just like old Adolf did. So beware. When the music stops and everything is in disarray, there is a snake oil salesman who will provide the solutions to all of our dilemmas. It does seem that from what we observe and understand, it may behoove us to look up and realize our redemption is drawing near. We have no need to fear a chubby little man from North Korea or anywhere else for that matter. We know what’s going on. We just must realize how great the deception will be and the temptation to be deceived ourselves. We all want the world to be a better place. Jesus said He has overcome the world; we must make sure we have done the same. A better world without Jesus Christ is a doomed world.
