Looking at all the important people this sexual misconduct scandal is exposing, one gets to wondering why so many “icons” are falling. For years people in power get away with much and the more power they are entrusted with, the more they push the envelope. No matter your status, your corruption will find you out. This is simple Bible truth.
We don’t understand why some are so successful and seem to prosper for years whilst others do everything “right” and struggle. Scripture says the rain falls on the just and the unjust. That’s all there is to it. I remember when I got out of the service, I took a job and just by being in the right place at the right time caused me to become the highest paid employee in the company. Was I brilliant? No, not a chance. People that worked at the firm for years were envious and not happy. They had wives, kids, and the thought of some young (twenty four) kid driving to work in a Jaguar didn’t settle well. I was unaware of the envy. I had nothing to do with my success. The rain fell on me for a little while.
The same is true for the upper levels of success. Granted some are talented and work hard but in the end, the rain falls on everyone whether deserved or not. We think we had the most to do with it. We didn’t; we were blessed.
We all must stand before God and give an account to Him for the life we lived. If it rained on us, well, to whom much is given, much is required. We give thanks to God for what we have. Whether we have one talent or ten, we are responsible for the rain that falls on us. We are to seek first the Kingdom of God and then all the desires of our heart will be added to us. He wants to bless us abundantly. The thing that comes to us naturally is to seek the desires of our heart first and then if we get around to it, we’ll give God a few crumbs. It’s important to remember, it’s His rain that blesses us. It really has nothing to do with us. God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I was a foolish young man. I praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead. I pray the Lord blesses you and that His rain makes you soaking wet.