Archive from April, 2018
Apr 26, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Perverts at the Prom

Perverts now are pushing for gender-neutral proms.  I’m not going into a diatribe on gay crap; we all know it’s coming.  But it is worth noting what one young pervert said.  You see, the school called his parents to see if it was OK with them if their pervert ran for king of the prom.  The succulent little dude was troubled because if the school had called a parent whose child hadn’t “come out” at home it could be distressful for the little dude or dudette or whatever it is.

According to him, the school shouldn’t be calling the parents anyway because it’s not their decision ultimately and neither should it be.  This reminds me of Romans the first chapter.  One of the notable traits of the last generation is disobedience to parents.

Girls have had abortions without parental consent for years; so is it any wonder that perversion will flourish in the years ahead?  The glories of the LGBT?????? life will soon vex us.  It will be hard to keep our kids from the grip of this distasteful disease.  I pity people with children as the lure of perverts will not only be acceptable but supported by law and our wonderful tax dollars.

Apr 22, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Death Penalty

The Supreme Court has just given the nod to Alabama to implement the death penalty on an 83-year-old murderer.  He did his dirty deed back in 1991 and was serving seven consecutive life turns when he was sent to Alabama in 1996.  There, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to death.

It is a travesty of justice to support a murderer for twenty some years and then implement the death penalty.  Food, housing, medical care, and security costs rack up to thousands of dollars.  The taxpayers are always the chumps that end up paying for it.  Oops, I forgot.  We’re a bazillion dollars in debt, so it’s our great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren that get to pay for it.

Don’t the leftist idiots who plague our court system with appeals to keep truly nasty people alive know that this money could be better spent indoctrinating our children?  Not that they need any help doing that.

Apr 18, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

King Asa

This morning I read the account of King Asa.  Here’s a man the God blessed and prospered at a young age because he trusted the Lord.  God did great things for him and his people; He gave them victory over enemies and peace for many years.  But Asa apparently didn’t know that God is the only one he should turn to in times of trouble.  An adversary rose up against him and Asa decides to call on the son of his dad’s old buddy to intercede for him.  His father used to do it so why not?  God wants us to rely on him, not some other earthly king.  So later Asa developed a disease at the end of his life and went to the physician instead of God for healing.

Most of us have never seen God do great things on our behalf; at least we don’t notice.  We have many idols in our lives; cars, houses, finances, government programs, entertainment, the list is endless.  So all we have is the inventions of man to depend on in our hour of need.  Scripture says that Asa did a foolish thing when he forgot what God can do.  We are foolish too by relying on a man for everything.

When the Israelites wandered the desert for forty years, they forgot the parting of the Red Sea, the manna, their garments and sandals never wearing out, the pillar of fire, and the cloud of protection.  In the end they weren’t worthy to enter the promised land.  They suffered and died in the wilderness.  We are blessed to live in America.  Our “wilderness” is much posher than the Israelites had.  Yet we forget the provision of God.  We take it for granted.

Anything that goes wrong, we call somebody.  Somebody is supposed to remedy our problem.  God is not a bureaucrat.  He has no phone number, app, or web address.  We have no gadgets to reach Him, so we don’t.

Being on our knees praying seems archaic, like something primitive people would do.  Certainly, the God of such a marvelous universe wouldn’t expect us to be lowly and contrite.  Aren’t we worthy because of the cross?  Or are we worthy because we carry our own cross and obey His commandments?  Asa learned that God doesn’t take kindly to people who forget His kindness and grace.  Asa forgot once and then again.  Once we stop relying on God, each time thereafter is easier.  Eventually, we don’t even think of it.

Apr 15, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Marriage is the bringing together of two different individuals.  Smarter, quicker, fatter, lazy, cute, kind, angry, thoughtless, inconsistent, dependable, these are just some of the qualities people have.  In a marriage, someone is getting the short end of the stick.  It’s not that just one partner has all the merit in the relationship, but there is no equality.  It’s 20/80 or 40/60, you pick the numbers, we are not the same.

So many write their marriage vows these days; nothing wrong with that.  Embellishing the marriage vow with your own personal touch is wonderful.  That is if it is unwavering in its permanence, that being the “original” biblical mandates of marriage.  Richer, poorer, sickness, health, til death do you part, that’s permanence.

Men are supposed to give themselves to their wives just as Christ gave himself to the church.  He is to prepare a place for his bride just as Christ is doing for his church.  Husbands are not as perfect as Christ and neither can be, but a  Christian husband should be becoming more like Christ everyday.  That’s why, in a Christian marriage, the wife can submit herself to her husband or in other words trust him to do things for her that’s in her interest.

Unfortunately many men do not fulfill their commitment to God, let alone their spouse and this causes disappointment in him.  Furthermore, the woman, many times, will seek to “take over” where the husband is inadequate.   The husband is responsible before God for lacking in leadership; she should be willing to let him fail.  Otherwise,  he will never learn.

When Eve gave Adam the apple, Adam was responsible for taking the bite.  In the aftermath of the fall, he essentially blames God because God is the one who “gave” him this woman.  Adam knew God.  He knew what God expected of him.  He ignored God.   He did not make sure his wife was kept from looking at the tree of good and evil.  He failed Eve.  Women are attracted to things (men are too), but it’s up to the man to make sure they are both living in such a way that pleases God.

Adam may have been coerced sexually, I don’t know; all I know is that men can easily be persuaded to do something when sex is involved.  Whatever the case,  he listened to his wife and suffered the consequences.  This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to your wife, but means if she encourages something contrary to the will of God the husband has a duty to say no.

The husband needs to be engaged with God every day, every hour, studying scripture together so they are in agreement with God.  I don’t think Adam ever reminded Eve that looking at that which is tempting is something she should not do.  No, he just assumed she was on the same page as he was.  But she did the deed, she flipped the page and now it was Adam’s turn to partake or not to.  Adam wasn’t so sure of what God said either or better put, he wasn’t aware of how important the Word of God was.

Eve was like him, she loved him, they were in this thing together.  They were married.  So they were in the same place all of us are.  Do we listen to God or do we listen to each other?

We are the bride of Jesus Christ.  He’s the new Adam.  Unlike Adam, He kept his relationship with God.  He gave himself for us so that we can know God.  He won’t divorce us.  We are His and He is ours.

Like Christ is doing for us, let us give grace to our spouse and seek God together.  It is will of God.

Apr 7, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

A Short Work

We older people have watched society decay over the last sixty years much in the same way our parents and grandparents did watch theirs.  A lot has changed in the last hundred years but much has remained the same.  What’s remains the is the ongoing gullibleness of mankind.  I imagine the power of sin makes men susceptible to stupid thinking; maybe it would be kinder to say wishful thinking but then I’m not really that kind.

The book of Daniel and elsewhere reminds us that God chooses who will become a ruler of a nation.  We are moving relentlessly in the direction of Armaggedon and the pace of events is ever increasing.  Following is a partial list of the men that God has placed in the power of the United States and how they contribute to readying the world for the end of the age.

President Johnson:  His purpose was to initiate the social programs necessary to break down the family structure.  Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and all the rest of the safety net programs have usurped a man’s role as provider for his family.  Johnson also escalated the war in Vietnam.  The careless squandering of our youth in southeast Asia rightly led young people to revolt.  The hippie slob generation was born.  Drugs, music, and long ignored social problems made these kids an easy target for indoctrination in our public schools.  They were taught to hate America.

Enter Richard Nixon.  He took America off the gold standard.  This paved the way for some future president to approve budgets with deficits of unimaginable heights.  The EPA, OSHA, and other business-crippling agencies paved the way for our new friend China to overtake us.

Jimmy Carter:  Although the seeds of conflict in the Middle East were planted long ago, it was Jimmy who suddenly uprooted the previous crop of cronies,  leaving the seed of future war in the Middle East firmly planted..

Ronald Raegan:  He gave America a reason to be optimistic again.  His role was to expand the economy.  He was a kinder, less accomplished Donald Trump.

George H. Bush:  He watered the seed Jimmy Carter planted.

Bill Clinton:  His sole purpose was to degrade the office of the president with scandal and corruption.

George W. Bush:  Terrorism is born.  Not that we didn’t have real enemies but George Bush brought us all under the eye of Homeland Security.  The state was suddenly given power it was never meant to have.

Barack Obama:  If one had to put a label on him, it would be the great divider.  He wanted America to pay for its “wicked” behavior, bring her down a few notches, and make America more like the rest of the world: impoverished.  But wait, Mr. Obama was going to accomplish much more than that.  He was a tireless crusader for homosexual rights.  He hired a lesbian woman to hire as many LBGQWXYZ people as possible.  Ditto the military and everything else he could touch, legally or not.  As an aside, he brought Muslims into our government.  He was to so overstep his authority as to make enough people discouraged and hence Donald Trump became the president.  By exalting the homosexual lifestyle, he made it possible for America and the world to become like Sodom and Gomorrha.

Donald Trump:  His job is to free up the Christian church to spread the gospel to the whole world.  The economy will thrive under Donald Trump.  It will become like the days of Noah, eating, drinking, (a lot), giving in marriage, life as usual.  The world will be filled with violence.  We’ll get used to it.

Obviously, this is a much-condensed list of presidents and their contributions to our situation today, but hopefully in is as clear to you as it is to me.

