Archive from December, 2018
Dec 27, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Seven Year Old Girl

A seven-year-old girl died at the U.S. border holding area. And of course, according to the biggest haters of children (our self-righteous leftists), it’s the fault of Donald Trump and his nasty idea of controlling who enters our country.

I wonder if the father was as dehydrated as his little daughter. She didn’t need a drink; she needed an I.V. Is it possible that in his haste to make the hard journey to our border that he neglected the needs of his child? I venture to say that this poor child had been without water and food for some time. Somehow she makes it to the U.S. border. The people making that trip were lucky the border station was there. It was like arriving at an oasis.

If the border patrol wasn’t there no attempt would have been possible to save her life. They tried, they failed, all because a father dragged his little girl through a dry, hopeless country with no thought that she might perish. It was his decision. He was wrong. And it’s wrong to blame good men at the border who, when made aware of the situation, did everything they could to save her life. Shame on the Democratic Party for using her tragic death for the dirty business of politics.

Dec 25, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Reason For The Season

Talking to a friend who attends an “inclusive” church gave me an understanding as to how people can stray so far from the message of the Bible. As they’re going out the door they tell me it doesn’t really matter to them if Mary was a virgin or not. Really? I believe many of our churches have become social clubs or halfway houses for those trying to deal with or maybe justify and become comfortable with their sin. Before I comment further let me quote a reference to the words of Isaiah in Acts 8:31-33 from the Message Bible.

As a sheep led to slaughter, and quiet as a lamb being sheared, He was silent, saying nothing, He was mocked and put down, never got a fair trial.

The eunuch asked Philip who that was talking about. Answer: Jesus, and he came to die for sin.

So was Jesus just a bastard, an illegitimate child? Was Mary a girl that slept around? In those days bed hopping wasn’t as popular as it is today as it was punishable by death. Or was she raped by some frat boy? Was Jesus just another slob on the bus? What then was special about him? Was he a good little boy; did he become an eagle scout? What, what pray tell was significant about Jesus Christ if not his being the offspring of God himself?

The virgin birth is as important as the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus hung on a cross between two thieves. If he was just a sinner like me, what did he die for? This thinking is a slap in the face of God.

This inclusive ideology seems to make Christ totally at one with fallen man and therefore his death on the cross has no more meaning than any other death. God could have chosen one of the thieves for the sacrifice for sin. Maybe it’s thought that the bastard Jesus lived this sinless life and that’s what made him a perfect sacrifice.

It’s more likely that no sacrifice is necessary for sin and God just wants you to love everyone the way they are; we can work out our social problems on our own. We don’t need a savior; we can together group save ourselves. A Marvel comic book would be a better source for their belief system. The heroes and villains are obvious in the comics; there is no god; we are intelligent, we know right from wrong.

It gets back to the lie Eve believed and I’ll paraphrase: You can know good from evil, God doesn’t want you to know everything, you won’t die from the choices you make. God lied to you. You don’t need him.

Dec 24, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Merry Christmas

Happy Holiday! Happy means favored by luck or fortune, characterized by a sense of well-being and contentment. I do really wish that for everyone. How about Holiday? That’s a day off work and also a Holy Day, a Muslim holy day that is. Merry means giving pleasure, high spirits, marked by festivity and gaiety. Christmas? A Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. As Christians we celebrate with high spirits the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That’s why I say Merry Christmas; it’s a day to the celebrate the Prince of Peace coming to this earth.

Following are the words to a song by ROBERT JOHN KAUFLIN and sung by GLAD MERRY CHRISTMAS!

In the first light of a new day
No one knew He had arrived
Things continued as they had been
While a newborn softly cried
But the heavens wrapped in wonder
Knew the meaning His birth
In the weakness of a baby
They knew God had come to earth

Hear the angels
As they’re singing
On the morning of His birth

As His mother held Him closely
It was hard to understand
That this baby not yet speaking was the Word of God to man
He would tell them of His kingdom
But their hearts would not believe
They would hate Him and in anger
They would nail Him to a tree

But the sadness would be broken as the song of life arose
And the firstborn of creation would ascend and take His throne
He has left them to redeem us
But before His life began
We knew He’d come back, not as a baby
But as the Lord of every man
Hear the angels as they’re singing on the morning of His birth

How much greater will our song be
When He comes again to earth?
When He comes to rule this earth.

Dec 22, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Two Thousand Years Ago

Yes, it’s been a long time since Jesus Christ was born. Caesar sent his men to Bethlehem with just one purpose, late-term abortion. Yes, I’m aware that the children he killed were one to three years old. But you see, late-term abortion is just that. It’s decided later that these kids were not wanted. In the case of Ceasar anyone mentioned as opposing his rule must be eliminated. In our day and age, it may sound ridiculous that an adult would be afraid of a baby taking his place but we must remember back then many times children became kings.

Today we are afraid of letting Jesus Christ be king. We like to be king, lord of our lives. And we teach our children that they can be anything they want to be; they are kings and queens.

We should be warning them that their hearts can’t be trusted, that they need a savior from their sin, and Jesus Christ is the only one who can do that.

Two thousand years seems long to us. It only demonstrates the patience and grace of God. We’ve had plenty of lifetimes to “get it right”. We are the children of Adam and Eve. We are either Cain or Abel. We either love God or we don’t.

Dec 19, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Clinton News Network

I’m hoping this offends somebody and in our divided country I will get my wish. We’ve been on vacation the last two weeks and I’ve had to suffer watching cable TV. In San Diego, we were with my sister and her husband. CNN was on always. I hadn’t been exposed to any CNN in quite some time.

What is clearly evident is the fact there is no news except President Donald Trump. Except for an occasional severe storm, their coverage is only of Trump and then only critical of him and everyone in his administration. What else is obvious is that only those who are consumed with hate could watch this daily.

The news organizations are biased. They hate what America stood for which means they hate me. As for the viewers that listen and believe the hateful nonsense that spill from their lips, alas they hate me too. The reason we refer to their ilk as “fake news” is simply this: they report (and I use the term loosely) that this president is evil and of course that means his supporters are evil.

We aren’t evil. We’re not the ones discarding 650,000 products of conception a year. We don’t slaughter 13,000 babies in late-term abortions. We don’t have comedians who mock the unborn and trivialize their lives.

I’m proud to be a horrible white male, a believer in Jesus Christ, married to the same woman for forty years, suspicious of the legalization of sexual perversion, and vehemently opposed to the assault on free speech, and the exalting of the holier-than-thou snowfake generation.

The young are ignorant, intolerant dangerous truthaphobes and have fully become usefull little Marxists. Their animosity today can only lead to violence tomorrow. History tells us that bloodshed is always necessary for tyrants to get their way. Our temporary consolation is the second amendment, meaning we still have some means to fight back when their black boots come to our door. That’s why assault weapons are important. If the police and army come knocking your door down a pistol would be worthless.

The remnant of civilized men dwindles whilst the number of useful idiots grows. I’m not afraid of the odds but I am disheartened by the number of those on “my side” who slumber contently. But that is why history repeats itself.
