Power corrupts the morals and the judgment. There is no clearer message from history. I often tell people that if I were elected to office and put in charge of spending a billion dollars, I’d believe that I was smart enough to spend it wisely. This is nonsense. None of our politicians balance the budget. They borrow money every year in greater and greater amounts to fund programs that keep the citizenry happy, at least happy enough to keep the whole house of cards building.
Which brings us to the words that best describe what we have in this country; two governments, one elected and another unelected. We refer to this other government as the “Deep State”. Last August, NBC said that “It feels like there are two governments working against each other”. This sentiment has been noted by others throughout the years including the mayor of New York John F. Hylan (1918-1925) and Senator Daniel K. Inouye who said, “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” I also believe there is this shadow government made up of bureaucracies that regulate and control our lives, many times in ways we’re not even aware.
By being re-elected time after time or by being in a bureaucracy for years, your power is unabated. You hone your skills in exercising that power and for many, corruption is a natural outplaying of the circumstance. It would be unfair to say all, but I maintain that many of those in powerful positions have over time entered depraved activities like child sex trafficking, drug running, and participation in occult rituals. That may be a bold statement, but when the limits of legitimate power have been reached and someone wants more, the only alternative is to seek power in the depraved parts of our culture. The same can be said for the entertainment industry.
The workings of the Deep State cannot be denied though I’ve seen a couple people try; The long and short of it is this, the power in Washington D.C. and Hollywood have had a long run lasting decades. The Bible says, be sure your sins will find you out; and their/our sins are about to be exposed. There is much hidden. Uncovering it will be debilitating to the economy and destroy the confidence of the public.
This is just a reminder of why Donald Trump was elected and that is to expose the Deep State and destroy its power over our nation. He will succeed with your prayers. We’ve got to want it if we’re going to get it. The fight will get worse. The left has a scorched earth policy, it’s their way or destroy the nation. I believe, with God’s help, we will win.