April 9, 2017, St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Tanta, Egypt was bombed. Forty-five people were killed and one hundred twenty-six were injured. Tragic. The recent bombings in New Zealand were tragic too. Hate, coupled with fear is deadly.
Christian churches being bombed and Christians being tortured are no big deal to this Christ-hating world. Some give lip service to the atrocities but as a whole, not much is said. The reason? People who kill and maim Christians are doing the world’s bidding and the further we get from Auschwitz, Jewish persecution is also gaining support in some quarters.
White people are not politically correct humans, granting that they are human. That’s why anything a white person does or says is racist; the lack of pigment in their skin is proof of their unworthiness to have a voice in society. It is no wonder that some on the fringe of “white society” are fearful of what may come next for them. Unfortunately a few strike out against those that hate them. It doesn’t make it right, but in this world of identity politics, the encouraged hatred of whites is reaching a crescendo.
The other side (the left and their well-trained minions) are offended by “micro-aggressions”, whatever that is and are ready to blow up the whole country in revenge. Their thinking is skewed by their inability to differentiate between politics and justice. That is exactly why the bombing of a Christian church is of no importance. Muslims bomb most Christian churches worldwide. Nothing can be said against a Muslim; they are politically acceptable to the left.
Islamaphobe, homophobe, and all the rest of the “phobes” are defined as springing from bigotry by people on the wrong side of the aisle. You see, a Muslim can be trusted to throw a bomb in the right place just as a homosexual can always be trusted with a child and a woman knows which child should be discarded. It’s whites, heterosexual men (except Muslim men) that are evil and need to be disenfranchised.
Jesus Christ said, if they first hated me, they will hate you. The fringe isn’t Christian; they kill Christians. If Christians and Jews were the only ones killed, the story wouldn’t drag on and on. The left hate and lie because that is what their father does.
It behooves us not to let politicians rattle our cages too much so that we say and do things that are unloving and unredeemable. Sin is a reproach to any nation and any man. Don’t let that man be one of us. Loving your enemies takes a total commitment to obedience to Christ. I work on that continually as I must remember they are perishing and really don’t know God will hold them accountable. I pray for peace.