Archive from June, 2019
Jun 29, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Go To College Free

Washington State has passed a higher education act which provides college tuition to poor people. An increase in the Business and Occupation Tax funds the scam. A little primer in how a business makes money may be in order. In short, whatever product a business sells, all costs are passed on to the consumer. Shipping, manufacturing, advertising, and taxes are included in the price the consumer pays. Businesses do not have huge stashes of money to pay for mandated expenditures. We pay for all the freebies.

But let’s forget for a moment whether there is any right or wrong to this legislation. The political climate in all blue states is such that any program that benefits the poor is good and proper.

Washington State has an obligation to balance its budget and so it does. However, the state government, let alone local municipalities, borrow money to fund whatever is deemed proper. The state is $32 billion dollars in debt plus $12 billion or so in pension obligations. City and county debt aside, that’s a large chunk of money. So yes, they balance the budget but borrow huge amounts of money for the whims of unethical people. It’s wrong to spend money on “education” or anything else when so much debt has accumulated.

These are good times, the economy is great, it’s booming. Wouldn’t it be prudent to pay down debt now? Aren’t downturns going to come and more debt will need to be added to pay for free and unfunded promises?

Progressives promise a lot; what they give us is unending, ever increasing, and apparently unpayable debt.

Jun 24, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Nazi Youth

The National Socialist Party of Nazi Germany banned the Boy Scouts. The Hitler Youth took its place. Children were indoctrinated in the socialist ideology of the Nazis. The American education system and Hollywood have accomplished the same thing. Like the Nazis, our children are being indoctrinated into anti-American thinking. Hatred for this country is endemic to Western culture and those who support America as founded are their enemy.

The Democratic Party has moved to the extreme left and is now at the point where the free election of leaders is deemed impossible. Stacey Abrams, running for governor in Georgia, exclaimed the very founding of our country was responsible for her loss. Nancy Pelosi said she wanted to see President Trump in prison. Their hateful rhetoric is relentless.

There are still sixty-three million people who haven’t swallowed their Kool-aid and so it has become imperative to claim that anyone who voted for a Republican is an evil racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, or xenophobe.

Our school children now have political opinions. They are all fed a constant diet of leftist-approved doctrine. Like the Nazis, the left has been very efficient in their quest to destroy not only America but all of Western culture. As we older people die off, the power of subservient children will usurp any influence reasonable people have and terrorize the population with an unabashed dedication to a socialist utopia.

The attempt to disenfranchise millions of voters may end in violence. The hated conservatives have never stood up to the depravity of the left and although conservative may hold more weapons, the left are more inclined to use them. Civil war? Maybe. Civil disobedience? No doubt. Utopian thugs never take no for an answer as we’re witnessing right now. Resist, that’s their banner, hatred for us deplorables is their justification., and sexual diviancy is their end goal. I don’t see this ending well.

The difference between thee Nazi Youth and the American Youth is simply this; the Nazis had total control. Because of homeschooling and private schools, we have some young that haven’t been subjected to the desires of the state. As an older citizen I’m hoping that some is enough.

Jefferson told us that free men must spill their blood if they are to remain free. Tyranny is always at the door. Unfortunately most of our children have been taught to love tyranny and hate freedom. They actually believe that doing away with freedom of expression and thought will make a better society. That’s what the Nazis believed. People flock to the United States because it’s the one place where all those isms don’t matter. They want freedom. If the left are allowed to destroy what our founders gave us, there will be no reason for them to come here anymore. They already have what the left offers: a state that tells them what to do, what to think, and what to believe.

Jun 20, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I was reading the “Message” Bible, Isaiah 57 to be exact, and came across an obviously politically incorrect reference to a promiscuous woman. I’m just going to put to paper a half dozen lines. The problem for me is, where do I stop? The Bible is chuck full of what God wants us to know. So, contemplate what grace means when you read these words.

But you, children of a witch, come here! Sons of a slut, daughters of a whore. What business do you have taunting, sneering, and sticking out your tongue? Do you have any idea what wretches you’ve turned out to be? A race of rebels, a generation of liars. You satisfy your lust any place you find some shade and fornicate at whim. You kill your children at any convenient spot. Deserting me, you’ve gone all out, stripped down and made your bed your place of worship.

A woman has every right to choose fornication instead of marriage, to kill their child, or become a mother, to serve God or serve the devil. Being Isaiah was written thousands of years ago, we learn that Solomon was right, there’s nothing new under the sun.

This is a constant theme in my writing. I’m sorry if you tire of it, but I know that I need a reminder once in a while and imagine most people do. Fornication and child-killing continue unabated. Yes, the numbers have come way down but there is still much to do. Teaching a culture that every life is sacred and valuable is needed if our nation is to be saved. It’s not enough to stop abortions; we must encourage and nurture those who take on the age-old responsibility of parenting.

He set before us life and death and suggests we choose life.

Jun 17, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments


We live in a society that’s proud of everything, everything unnatural that is. Our biology is being destroyed and we no longer are supposed to differentiate between the sexes. In fact, in the minds of these immoral lunatics, there is no sexual orientation. Sex is fluid. Queueing is what they expect of us, waiting for another plate of sexually deviant slop.

In this reality-inverting world, it would seem that we could soon find ourselves in a vexing place just as Lot did. We’ve ignored the excesses of the sexually crazed bastard miscreants too long. Our children have had sexual perversion jammed down their little throats for years.

Normal people haven’t said no. I think it’s because we have a natural penchant to want to leave room for our own sin. Whatever the reason, our conservativism is standing in the way of their final push to normalize everything. The reason we haven’t been persecuted yet? The law stands in their way. We are their enemy. The Church, the patriarchy, heterosexual marriage, children are the object of their hatred.

It is shameful for a man to lie with a man. It is shameful for a woman to lie with a woman. It is wrong to tell children they can’t say a boy is a boy and girl is a girl. It’s wrong, it’s immoral. and it brings about the end of civilization.

There, I’ve said it. Homosexuality in all of its forms is wrong. We live in a free society, we all have rights, but your rights have no place in my childrens pants.

Jun 14, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Happy Birthday

My birthday is today. I’m honored that President Donald J. Trump shares the same birthday. Happy Birthday Mr. President. I’m glad you were born.

Thank you for all you’ve done and by God’s generous grace to us all, the swamp will be drained. So I thank God for you too.
