Archive from September, 2019
Sep 25, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Inmate Adree Edmo

The State of Idaho is being forced to provide sex-change surgery to a thirty-one-year-old man. Inmate Adree Edmo, who is serving time for brutally abusing a fifteen-year-old boy.

So a federal judge, no doubt an Obama appointee, is demanding this pervert receive medical care for his gender dysphoria. This operation is no doubt very profitable and so of course, it’s gained wide acceptance.

How much money did the boy receive? I’ll bet none; but in our drive for equality, pervert and victim are equal. Except now. No, the brutal molester receives three squares a day and gets the state to spend tens of thousands of dollars on his sexual perversion. The leftist utopia doesn’t sit well with me.

But I am old. Most millennials love and accept perversion. We are on the fast track to the building of Sodom; and we’re just hoping if we ignore them, they’ll leave us alone. They won’t.

Sep 18, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Right

My wife and I were in Safeway today and as usual, there was someone in there who by American cultural standards shouldn’t have been there. There used to be this idea that a business could refuse service to anyone. Sixty years ago this notion was abused for racial reasons and hence a rather reasonable right has succumbed to the relentless push to make a business have to do business with people who are voluntarily undesirable.

Now it seems that every obnoxious miscreant must be given service just because they are human. If someone comes into your store smelling like an outhouse, they must be served. Loitering has become a pastime for lazy people. And dogs, dare I mention dogs in stores. These aren’t service animals for necessary personal needs, no they’re just dogs of all sorts from puffy poodles to unkempt rag dogs on their last leg.

I find shopping for food with dirty animals and even dirtier old men to be an affront to my personal space. I don’t want to smell them or watch them sniffing this, handling that and making me feel I’m in some land foreign to me. If I wanted to live in Tijuana I’d move there.

This may sound, let’s say, prejudice, blah, blah, blah but I really don’t care. My health and the condition and health of my community is my business and concern. Cleanliness is not too much to ask of our fellow man and that includes women, kids, dogs and whatever else goes shopping. We grew up poor but we were always clean.

Our rights end when we infringe upon another person’s space and well being. In my humble opinion, we should be able to refuse service to anyone. This idea is especially true in the sale of weapons. If dealers could refuse to sell to people based on their instincts, many weapons obtained legally might not end up in the hands of wrong-minded people quite so easily. I’ve seen people arrested for a crime where a weapon was used. Just by looking at their face and demeanor I can tell they’re not the right kind of people who should buy a weapon.

But business owners have fewer rights all the time, meaning you and I must put up with the trappings of a banana republic on our trip to being a banana republic. I’m done; I’m just tired of an irresponsible, self-indulgent, couldn’t care less who I bother, society.

Sep 11, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments


There were WMDs in Iraq. Yellowcake; it was there. I’m not going to elaborate. Anthrax, that’s one thing he had among others. Enough said.

Several “suspicious” things occurred that September 11. The players behind the scene aren’t always who you think they are. But that all needs to be laid to rest. We’re a divided nation on everything. A nation divided against itself can not stand. And that’s the divide; those who want America to continue and those who want it to end. Sad.

We will never forget. I wish that were true but we forgot long ago. In our quest for tolerance, we’ve become acutely unaware of the predicament we’re in and the price we’ll have to pay.

I remember. It didn’t surprise me. Osama Bin Laden wrote about it before it happened; but who reads anything written by Bin Laden. The handwriting is on the wall but we don’t see it. It’s out of sight. out of mind, not even on our radar. There are other things coming. Do you see them? Jesus warned us not to be deceived because it would be so easy for that to happen. Pray that you are worthy to escape the things to come.

Sep 5, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments


In Luke 11:1-4 one of the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. I would assume they had prayed before but felt there was something lacking. They had witnessed miracles and was under His teaching for some time, but something was missing, they didn’t feel that connection to God.

Jesus, being the Son of God, knew what God wanted to hear. Jesus was the only one who could tell them. Mathew also records the “Lord’s prayer” in Chapter 6: 9-13. Preceding the instructions on how to pray is a warning on how to live. It would seem we have to strive to live a holy life before our prayers have much value. It is the prayers of a righteous man that delivers much. God listens to people that listen to Him.

Our Father which art in heaven. He’s my Father but He’s also your Father. That’s why scripture is of no private interpretation. He speaks to all of us; He is our Father. And He is in heaven. We can’t touch Him. He is a spirit, not bogged down by a physical body as we are. He is holy, so we reverence His name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Most everyone accepts that God is in heaven. How do we make His Kingdom come on earth or accomplish His will? Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. In other words, God knew everything in advance. Adam and Eve were going to sin. Noah’s flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, every ugly thing, every cruel crime, the rule of Satan, was all know before the earth even existed.

So what’s it mean, ” Thy kingdom come”? The purpose for living through this hell of an existence was simple; for God to offer Himself as a sacrifice for sin and be exalted and praised forevermore. For justice to exist, sin had to be paid for. The salvation of souls is the only way we can build the kingdom of God. It was His purpose from the very beginning to save those who put their trust in Him.

His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are His ambassadors. We are to be loving and kind to others, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to know God and become HIs children. We want to attract people to the kingdom by displaying God’s character here on earth. We want love to dominate our life just like it will in heaven.

Give us our daily bread. Give no thought of tomorrow. God knows what you need before you ask.

Forgive, like God forgives, seventy times seven. Forgive daily; don’t let the sun go down on your anger.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. If we take every thought into “captivity” as the apostle Paul exhorts us, we will survive every testing of our faith. If we let our thoughts wander, apparently God could allow temptation to test us. But when we falter He will deliver us from evil.

We have to remember it’s His kingdom, not ours, it was all for His glory, not ours, and it’s His power, not ours. We were lost, we had nothing, and were powerless to save ourselves. It’s all Him from beginning to end.