Archive from October, 2019
Oct 29, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Don’t Be So Cocky

In the fourth chapter of the book of Samuel we are told the story of Israel’s war with the Philistines. Israel set up camp at Ebenezer, the Philistines at Aphek. They were but two miles apart. Aphek was a major crossroad, north and south east and west.

Ebenezer means “stone of help”. Naturally it was assumed God would help them defeat their enemies. But like Samson, they were unaware that God wasn’t with them. Israel was into worshiping idols. They were defeated; four thousand soldiers left dead on the field.

Alright, it was time to get serious and bring in the big guns: the Ark of the Covenant. They sent Eli’s sons to carry it back, a definite “slap” in the face of God as those two boys were desecrating God’s name and place.

The Ark of the Covenant caused the soldiers to shout loudly which unnerved the Philistines. The Philistines had heard of the power of the God of Israel. Israel waged another attack and this time lost thirty thousand soldiers including Eli’s two sons were killed. The Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines to Ashdod and set before the throne of Dagon their god.

The Philistines suffered greatly from setting the Ark before Dagon, but it is Israel who suffered the loss. They had a relationship with God and lost it. The Ark had no value to the Philistines or the Israel. Both were worshiping other gods. God could not abide the corruption of either. The power of God was manifest in the dismantling of Dagon and the power of God was absent in the slaughter of Israel. Israel was cocky. They were so sure if they “brought God” to the battle that they would win.

Some Christians are cocky too. They have the “trappings” of Christianity but don’t have Christ. When the battles come they find there is no oil in their lamp. Without their light burning they can’t be found in Christ. One will be taken and the other left. Imagine being left behind, wailing and gnashing of teeth, all the other “gods” fall and there is none left to worship, none who can save. It’s with fear and trembling we work out our salvation. Philippians 2:12 Just encouraging everyone including myself to be ready and know for certain you won’t be left behind.

Four thousand dead, thirty thousand dead, it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31

Oct 22, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The War on the Image of God

A month ago I joined Twitter. If there is one thing to say about it, it’s a forum where you can vent about anything or promote your favorite whatever. I just watched one of the video clips that frequent the screen. Much is discouraging when you realize how far some are from logic and common sense. It’s alarming to watch the vitriol of those that wish to micromanage our lives, not to mention the pseudoscience they base their reasons for strong-arming us into submitting to idiocy.

All that aside, there looms a growing, sinister war on the image of God. It’s always been there, but we in America we like to ignore what’s going on behind closed doors. Somehow we think that what goes on behind closed doors is no ones business, but there is much that is hidden from our site that is at best wicked. The internet has pulled the curtain back somewhat and we can now witness how depraved men really are. There are those who are actually proud of their evil doings. I ran across this video which greatly disturbed me. It shows a man abusing a toddler. It was hard for me to watch; so be warned, it’s not something you’ll be glad you saw.

As bad as these images are, I want you to picture what goes on behind closed doors at your local abortion clinic. I realize that most abortions are performed on very small babies (fetuses to those less kind). But many are to second and third trimester babies. Before “delivery”, their arms and legs are ripped off, their organs harvested while they are still alive, and whatever’s left is discarded as trash.

If the toddler abuse video bothered you, imagine what a third trimester abortion video would be like. I won’t post that video here. Undercover reporters have gone to great lengths to make it available. Google may make it difficult to find, but it is out there yet as far as I know.

The outrage mob isn’t troubled by any of these things. No, they’re offended by perverts whose rights are being infringed upon or other foolishness. To save themselves, they have an on-going war on the image of God. Man, young, old, child, it matters not. Every vestige of Christian thought and kindness must be obliterated. This is war and they will demand that you take a stand. Choose wisely. Choose life.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that thou and thy seed may live.

Oct 12, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Love of Money

Many misquote what scripture says regarding money and say that money is the root of all evil. No, it’s the love of money. You hear of people doing atrocious things for the sake of money. Every imaginable crime is committed for money.

The love of money is a root that’s deeply embedded in the soul, creating a drive to do what’s necessary to water the money vine. Whether it’s money itself or the things it can buy matters not; it’s the gradual searing of the conscious that makes a man a callous observer of hurting people.

But there’s another side of the love of money we should look at. Many are striving for success, devouring self-help books, attending seminars, and working long hours to attain wealth (money). This may be the greater sin. Why? Is it wrong to succeed? No, of course not. Is it wrong to work hard? No again. So what is it I am saying?

Jesus summarized all the commandment into just two. Love your neighbor as yourself. If you do so, you won’t continually be trying to take what’s in his pocket and put in yours. You’ll give him an honest trade for your labor and his money. You won’t sin to get his stuff. And you’ll believe that all blessings come from God. He is why you are prosperous.

How about loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind? I would think that all those “extra” hours would belong to God. All that striving would be for His kingdom and not ours. We’re working for God. We’re servants.

My long-time employer of years ago told me something which made a lot of sense to me. He was very successful and a leader in his field. His name was Duane Nelson of Spokane, Washington. I don’t know everything about him, if he had Christian upbringing, or much else but his secret to success was based on Biblical instruction. Sure, he worked hard, was disciplined, all of those things you would expect a successful man to be.

The Bible instructed the owners of the fields to leave some of the crops to be gleaned by the poor. Duane said that you should always leave something on the table for the other guy; don’t be greedy. You shouldn’t take all that you can get. In other words, don’t love money so much that you take advantage of others. Be kind in your dealings.

God wants you to be successful. Money may be involved but maybe not. In the parable of the talents, one man was given one, another five, and another ten. We are only responsible for what’s been given to you. To whom much is given, much is required. But we are all responsible for our service to God and the growing of His kingdom.

Oct 5, 2019 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Year after year we’ve perhaps made resolutions to do this or accomplish that, to throw off the old and put on the new. We are creatures of habit and speaking for myself, not one resolution has ever been accomplished. I realize many people do but I am among the vast majority and daily succumb to my habits. It is only of recent time that I’ve been able to initiate any change and it is by the removal of my secure surroundings.

October 2013 I sold my home, left the area where I spent forty years and set out in a motorhome for Arizona. A home with a motor allows you to uproot yourself and plop yourself down here and there and reflect on the whole of your life. My spouse has had to survive on the love I have for her and not the moorings of a frustrated existence. That separation from our past reality has made resolution to change possible. It’s important to relinquish control of what you thought you controlled and embark on a path less certain, less tied to a frustrated past.

Does this mean we don’t care for those left behind? Not at all; we’ve allowed them to be free from the tension of past experience and forge on their own a life that upon our demise, they must endure. Now when we visit it will be on each others terms. This may allow the short-comings of the past to have less influence on the future.