Archive from September, 2020
Sep 26, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments


A quote or two from Ruth: “I said on the equality side of it, that it is essential to a woman’s equality with man that she be the decision-maker, that her choice be controlling.” In other words, a father should have no say in the murder of his child.

“It won’t happen. It would be an impossible dream. But I’d love to see “Citizens United” overruled.” This ruling gave the people who paid the most in taxes a voice in who our elected criminals are. Freedom of speech has been under assault for years. Ruth was an accomplice in the fight to destroy the first amendment to our constitution.

Donald Trump has said he will nominate a woman to fill her shoes. It would be a wise move to nominate Barbara Lagoa. In my view, it would be best to nominate in the week or ten days prior to the election as nominating a woman of Hispanic or Latino roots would be bound to throw many in that community who are on the fence to vote for Trump.

This will be a test of how much Donald Trump has learned about the political landscape that is Washington D.C. As I write this (September 22), he hasn’t as yet named anyone. Lagoa is the only logical choice; here’s hoping he makes it.

Sep 22, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Dr. Schill

I’ve always thought of Dr. Phil as being similar to Jerry Springer but having the credentials of a P.H.D. He filled a void in the reality TV market because white women couldn’t stomach the out-of-control behavior of guests on Springer’s show and other shows like his.

Sometimes people have similar problems as those who appear on his program, but much of it is simply the airing of the dirtiest of laundry in front of the whole world. It’s entertaining gossip for the most part. My wife and I have actually known a couple of the guests that have appeared on the show. I’m hoping that was just a freaky coincidence. Yes, Dr. Schill has been on a lot in our home as my wife, how should I say it, enjoys watching it. Many of his viewers are nice people and so I’m not belittling anyone for viewing it and indeed there is the desire Phil can rescue them from themselves.

Today I came home and the old snake oil salesman was on. The good doc had a discussion going on masks, BLM, and the use of the word Karen. I’m sure he is well prepared for each episode. If that is true, I’ve lost whatever respect I had for him. The whole show was an assault on American values and openly pandering to the Marxist thug culture. How? What did the snake say?

He added his support to the notion that black men are hunted down and shot. He also allowed his guest to put forth the lie of white privilege. If there were white privilege, it’s all gone. My daughter went to school. She applied for help with tuition. Nope. You must be a minority or a single mother. My son applies for work. Ditto. So, everyone hates whites, especially white males. We’ve got programs up the wahzoo for blacks, minorities, and single mothers.

But blacks aren’t interested in living a productive life. What whites did was start a country with certain unalienable rights and that resulted in something more precious than the color of your skin. We’re prosperous because of American privilege. That is the real privilege. Being born in America is how you win the lottery. But being diligent, hard-working, and honest, among other things, is considered by BLM types as things they won’t do because that is somehow white privilege. They just don’t want to be an Uncle Tom.

BLM is a Marxist group and many people support it simply because they like the slogan. If you go to their website you’ll find what they believe and what their goals are. They are thugs. The only black lives that matter is violent criminals that our police have to deal with. Floyd was a violent criminal. On getting out of his car he swallowed the drugs to hide them from the police just as he had done on a previous arrest.

He claimed he was having trouble breathing when he exited his car. Fentanyl was the drug he stupidly swallowed and breathing problems are one of the problems with taking it. Floyd was nothing more than another criminal drug addict we’ve raised to sainthood.

So, Dr. Schill is just another in a long list of American citizens that disappoint me. Dr. Phil, like most of our betters, has joined the chorus singing the praises of those that are pushing us off the cliff to a sure dystopian nightmare.

Sep 16, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Blame Game

Our country started out on sound Judeo-Christian principles. Children learned to read from the Bible and in doing so learned the tenents of the faith, that is to say, the basic instructions of life. You will be held accountable for your actions in life by a never wavering God and how to treat your neighbor.

This moral learning has been done away with over time and we now have a generation of wayward people who are unable to tell right from wrong, let alone what gender they are.

The lockdown is bringing out the very worse behavior largely do a government-induced discarding of our dreams and future. Our pampered and sheltered young have long been distracted by their toys, media, and entertainment. But many of the fatherless generation are turning to the streets in protest over the ultimate social justice cause. So, looting, burning, and killing are an unsettling sideshow to the “woke” movement.

Besides our school system teaching them to despise our country, there are also a couple of other reasons the young are hopeless. They have been taught the United States is racist and if they are white, they are racist just by being white. They have white privilege and must apologize and pay homage to those offended. So they hate their past.

The global warming/cooling/climate change preaching has many believing there is no future unless of course we destroy every vestige of progress and return to the stone age. So, they hate their future.

The lockdown has driven the final nail in the coffin of our children’s lives; the present is hell. Uncertainty is the norm; everything is changing. No one knows anything. They hate living today.

Desperate people are easily manipulated, hence the attraction of being in a mob, demanding change. We must stop blaming the young (and ourselves) for sins of the past, possible catastrophes of the future, and making them believe a virus is ending life on planet earth.

In other words, read the Bible yourself, encourage the young to read it too. Stop looking at screens. Reading allows the brain to think. Thinking is important. Who’d a thought?

Sep 9, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I am just an amateur investor and have only been in the Wall Street Casino since March. I did well for a while using the volatility to profit from simply buying low and selling high. As an example, I made $1600 on American Airlines, $1200 on Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and $1200 on SPR, to name a few.

Gold and silver are up in value and therefore so are mining stocks. In this house arrest period, people are doing what they can do. Gold and guns go up out of fear, outdoor equipment, RV’s, etc. go up because there’s nothing else to do.

With the printing of trillions of dollars of currency, the price of everything is bound to rise. Our relationship with China is changing. As more products become domestically produced, prices will be much higher. Much of our drug supply is made in China so it would follow that drugs will be much higher. Technology is streamlining the way we do everything and those things will get less expensive.

Everything has become abnormal. There is not a new normal. We shouldn’t let the new destroy everything worth remembering.