Archive from August, 2021
Aug 31, 2021 - Culture and Morality    No Comments


We have allowed thousands with Covid to stream across our border and shipped them to red states to make numbers go up under Republicans and increase the Democrat voter base. Vaccinated people actually create the variants in their own body because the jab offered isn’t a true vaccine; it only manipulate the RNA to attack one particular virus to the detriment of the immune system.

This virus has become a convenient tool for political warfare which has led to many problems the least of which is the lack of trust in our institutions because of their consistently changing the “truth”.

Only the very best masks do any good at all and that for a very short time. The masks people wear are useless and worn only by people who have little understanding of viruses. Covid is much smaller than most viruses. Like the cold and the flu, this virus will always be with us and our immunes systems should be allowed to learn to fight it off.

As it sits we have millions of people who’ve had their immunes systems manipulated to fight only one virus. That’s stupid with a capital S. If their nonsensical “vaccine” worked it would make total sense to make a “vaccine” for the cold. Covid changes as often as the common cold so no “vaccine” will work. But gosh, continued use by a dumbed down population is hugely possible.

Aug 24, 2021 - Politics    No Comments


Biden mumbled out a speech on the situation in Afganistan, another shameful display “Wheel of Fortune” thinking. Ho hum, he’s just got to go on vacation. Let me know boys how that went when I get back. We, like the people of Afganistan are so screwed. This is the “official” move by America in stepping down from leadership in the world. The United Nations, disgusted with this ignored atrocity, will have to depend on China to handle the Middle East conundrum.

Human rights and dignity are in freefall all over the world. Our micro-aggressed population has elected a senile old power-grabbing Democrat and the tragedy of real aggression goes unquestioned and unnoticed.

Our spineless culture is dominated by effeminate, genderless drones who take offense at anyone standing up to their reprobate dictates. Married to politicians with tyrannical desire for subjugation of everyone, there is no hope of turning this around. Whether it’s Washington D.C. or the Taliban, the State cannot be questioned as long as they’re brutalising people we don’t like.

And left wonder why we question their self-righteous edicts. As their wimpy leader once said “ we musn’t let the truth get in the way of the facts.” We are drowning in facts that bare no relationship to common sense or the truth. We live in fact-checking hell.

Aug 18, 2021 - Religion    No Comments

Centrism God Of This Age

Centrist would seem to indicate a coming together of the right and the left, a compromise for the purpose of the supporting the common good. In today’s culture the left considers themselves good and the right unredeemably evil. So a “melting” of values for the common good is impossible.

What is more likely is the elimination of the “evil” side and the left becoming the center of acceptable thought. The left have cleverly over time changed the meaning of normal and truth in so much that everyone is being forced into accepting the tyrannical view of the state. It is the state that offers the centrist view which is most dangerous to self autonomy.

The constitution created a system of compromise endeavoring to prevent any one faction from gaining too much power. We were given a republic not a democracy as Ben Franklin said however our founders knew that at some point voters would realize that benefits could be obtained by defeating other political groups and hence today we have this mob mentality that insists the one side must agree on everything they want. In other words their view in the centrist view, the only view that must be facilitated.

“Group” law must be accepted and no opposition is tolerated. Tolerance of nonsensical cultural and political positions is codified first in achademia and then in law which of course supported by government. The centrist view is the only acceptable view in a tyranny. We think the Nazis were some unique evil nation but it was simply taken over by those that wished to dictate what the difference between good and evil was and force the acceptance of one view.

The Bible says that the heart is wicked and who can know it. What that means is, we may sincerely believe we are right about something and not realize that it stems from a very selfish heart. We deceive ourselves; we do not know good from evil but we insist we do and force our will on others.

The U.N. effort to bring the world together in a New World Order sounds so reasonable and centered on the cause of meding equality of outcome to everyone. That’s a centrist, reasonable sounding purpose. But, like the tower of Babel, it is that centrist view that drives this effort and in the end instead of having many competling for tyrannical control of the many nations, their would only be one place of governance for the common good and one leader. And therein lies the danger simply because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Aug 8, 2021 - Culture and Morality    No Comments


Information everywhere. We are drowning in information. We’ve heard that, seen this but there’s so much of it. Some of it’s true. some of it isn’t, some of it we just don’t care; we want it to be true.

Jesus questioned whether there would be faith when he returns. We’re told we don’t need much faith to accomplish things; but we need some don’t we? Just a little and yet Christ wondered if there would be any. That’s sobering.

At the time of the Scopes trial most of the church didn’t believe in a six day creation. Before 1948 most of the church didn’t believe Israel would become a nation again. The church has had a real hard time with belief and therefore struggles with faith. Evolution dominates our beliefs in and out of church.

In the end people won’t accept sound doctrine. That is what we’re told so we should look for that. Israel upset the boat of doctrine. We see many are excited and looking for Christ’s return. That’s encouraging for now. But is there something coming that will test the belief/faith of the Christian? Will we reject this basic doctrine of the church?

I think so. Men are making great strides in medicine, archeology, astrology and just about everything else. Could it be that we are close to the day when the Bible will seem like a book of myths and fairy tales? Is the time coming when we will only seek manmade solutions to our problems and we will have no need or belief in prayer?

God said he would pour out a great delusion upon the whole earth. The whole earth, that’s everywhere. We’re warned not to be deceived because it’ll be so easy to be fooled. There are things we want to believe but they just might not be true. So we are to test everything with the Word of God.

The apostle Paul said to take every thought captive to the Word of God. This is tough. Every word? I find there are so many things thrown in front of me that it’s hard to avoid not giving more time to what the world thinks and less to what God says. Do I hide God’s Word so I don’t sin against Him?

Those outside Noah’s ark were completely unaware until the rain started to fall. Think of that. A huge ark, an eyesore in the wilderness, can’t miss it, but somehow it was dismissed as not important. Sure, it would be great if you were shipping something and it was on a great sea. But let’s get real here. Some old relic is of no value. There’s no rain coming, no storm.

But really, an old book telling us how to live, how to know God, how to be saved? Are you kidding me? We’re advancing so fast. We don’t need a god of any kind. We’re solving diseases, we’re making a social credit system where people have to be good to just live.

Christ returning? What was that cross about? We’ve solved everything. We’ve got someone else to worship now. It is us, our pets, our thoughts; we are indeed captains of our own ships. We are gods and can save ourselves.

We can save ourselves, that’s the delusion.

Aug 1, 2021 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I would become a serious prepper. Actually that would probably be a good idea anyway. But what Donald Trump did, if only for a short time, was give me the encouragement that life in America would be good for a while longer, that leviathan wouldn’t take it all just yet.

I look at the reality of thirty trillion dollars in debt and realize the great reset is the planned “cure” for the world’s economic problems. The plan of our political “betters” never leads to a better life. Without Trump there is no light at the end of the tunnel; there is no better life.

Yes, I would go through the motions of preparing for the worst case scenario. But where do I go? Can I really find that plot of land where we can sustain ourselves, where we can avoid the long arm of government? Technology has created a world where privacy is impossible, meaning to make any escape that’s worthwhile I must move to some very remote inhospitable place.

What I can do in without Trump is to try to dispel the idea that heaven on earth is impossible, to equip people for the “end”. Isn’t that what we have strived for in America, heaven on earth? Heaven costs more money than we can print. I remind myself of this verse from the Bible. He who tries to save his life will lose it and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.

We have no guarantee of tomorrow so whether Trump is president or not has no lasting value. There are a huge batch of power brokers who want to rule us , so even if Trump gives us a respite in our terminal condition, death of the republic is inevitable.

Prepare? Yes. There is life before and after Donald Trump. But it’s not so good after Trump but most will not understand that until the Monopoly game is over.