Archive from September, 2021

Innocent Blood

Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.

In the list of seven things God hates is this shedding of innocent blood. I think we all know who the most innocent among us are and that is our children. We argue much about the right of women to abort their pregnancies. I think we could all agree that young children and even more so the unborn are innocent of any wrong doing. Children come into our lives and we have to make a choice; will we become parents or will we become monsters.

To those of us with any residue of compassion we would say the unborn are guiltless and deserve no retribution. On the other hand pregnancy shackles women to a life-long commitment that has become fashionable to discard. For these parents the unborn have committed the unpardonable sin of preventing them from living a life totally dedicated to themselves.

During President Trump’s term in office his justice department set a few death row inmates to be executed. These weren’t innocent men, they had been convicted of the most heinous crimes. Those who advocate the death of the unborn readily promote ending the death penalty for the most cruel and wicked of men. Let’s take a brief look at just one of these living monsters and see if somehow a baby is worthy of a cruel death and these “gentlemen” are not.

Alfred Bourgeois was on death row for torturing and beating his two-year-old daughter to death. He was executed on 11 December 2020. He had molested and beaten her several times before. It’s truly disturbing that there were those who knew it and didn’t take measures to stop these unthinkable crimes. The final incident was in his truck. He took her and repeatedly bashed her head against the dash and window resulting in her death.

Bourgeois had been on death row for fifteen years which isn’t unusual in our justice system. We support evil men for years, pay for their appeals, and if they live out their life sentences, we pay for their health problems till they die a natural death.

His daughter Jakaren had no care, received no justice, her little life dismissed by a society that wars against children. Since Roe v Wade we’ve ended sixty million pregnancies. For many, children have become a curse and not a blessing. One could say it would have been better for Jakaren to have been aborted instead of suffering such horrible abuse.

Whilst it’s true that most children have their lives snuffed out in the first month or two of conception, many later term children suffer brutal deaths while hidden out of site in their mother’s womb.

I know there are many unwanted children but using a contraceptive so brutal as abortion demonstrates how we have drifted away from the moorings of civilized society and are ever drawing near to the pagan past.

Evil men do evil things. That can’t be stopped, but it’s up to good men and women to say something and do something and not be so casually concerned with the plight of the abused and neglected in our world.

Diversity and inclusion are pretty concepts of this brave new world but the equity delivered is of no comfort to the innocent for the life of Alfred is of far more value than the life of his daughter. As we know, people suffer when good men do nothing. There’s a whole lot of nothing going on.

Sep 23, 2021 - Culture and Morality    No Comments

Ground Zero

Years ago our floundering fathers of the early twentieth century decided that we needed an income tax. At first it was just a little tax to help the government go to war don’t ya know. Today, no matter how hard you work or how much wealth you accumulate, Uncle Sam is there to grab his fair share. The biggest mouth we feed belongs to government.

Today, after decades of the New Deal, War on Poverty, and the Middle East Nation-building efforts, the United States is head over heals in debt that you can only have nightmares about. I’ve laid awake for hours at night thinking, nonstop thinking of ways to protect myself and my family. It’s a little late to prep; I think we’re just a little late period.

The American Dream isn’t alive anymore. It all died and now we live in that pre-panic hour of indecision. Trump is gone. He was the only one who loved the picket fence life. It’s like he’s maybe in the bushes somewhere, we hear him talk, but even if he could return, how do you fix something that’s so totally broken?

We have two camps, the believers and unbelievers, the educated, brainwashed masses of government-control freaks and the ones who remember what life was about before fear became a religion.

The believers are putting so much pressure on the unbelievers, it may soon be that moment we look at each other and see nothing but a hopeless future. Things can change overnight when hope is lost. Hope is lost when justice disappears.

When I see that most people have succumbed to the plannedemic hype and the rest of us are being designated a lower grade of human, then I can’t believe we’re not on the cusp of war. I know it’s not over till it’s over, but what’s left when its over?

Sep 14, 2021 - Religion    No Comments


Psalm 144; 10 and 15 It is he that giveth salvation unto kings; who delivereth David his servant from the hurtful sword. Happy is that people, that is in such a case; yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.

It would of course be best to read the whole chapter but these two are kind of “bookends” to an understanding of our living on earth. Scripture told us to pray for our leaders. The question is, pray for what? Salvation. The story of the many kings of Israel is for our instruction and consideration; when the kings were saved (looking to God for counsel), the nation was blessed and the people were happy.

The same remains true today. We pray for our leaders, not that they would be successful in their wicked ambitions, but to come to the place where they repent of their sins and seek counsel from the Lord.

Politics will remain dirty as long as men take counsel from educated, godless, self-serving people. We pray they would be saved for the purpose of blessing God and through that, blessing our nation.

Sep 7, 2021 - Politics    No Comments

The Longest War

Afghanistan is being touted as America’s longest war but if we look at our troop deployment around the world that is simply not true. We still maintain 35,000 troops in Germany and a total of 64,000 are stationed throughout Europe. 28,000 are still in Korea, 82,000 in the Middle East and 70,000 in previous Soviet states. We are everywhere and these numbers don’t include all the civilians we have working in those places.

World War Two has been over for seventy five years and the Korean conflict for nearly as long. But we’re still there. Being there gives us readiness to respond to conflicts; we are the police for the rest of the world so staying in Afghanistan has some merit if one thinks that the United States should be the head cop for the world.

Our pulling out has allowed China and Russia to assume the role of “police” for the area. Understanding that the United States is their mortal enemy puts them in the driver seat for monitoring and managing the terrorist state of Afghanistan for their benefit. China is the next empire.

Not only will China obtain rights to corner the market on Afghanistan natural resources but its influence through terror intimidation of surrounding nations will be greatly enhanced. The only country to stand in their way now that the United States has been defeated is Israel and that paints a picture for Armageddon which is encouraging to Christians and if understood, terrifying to the world.

Like the British Empire, the U.S. Empire is collapsing which is what happens to all empires. We are entering the last step in our devolving to a powerless nation. The corruption of our government is weighing too heavily on its resources that support it and the wealth that sustained us for so long is now only based on unthinkable debt.

As the days of America’s past wane we that are Christian have no desire to keep this heaven on earth mentality and our days are spent preparing for Christ’s return.