Archive from November, 2021
Nov 28, 2021 - Culture and Morality    No Comments

My People, Those People

Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas Parade. Five dead, over forty injured by a man who drove his vehicle into the parade. He’d done the same thing to a woman at a gas station just days before; just ran over her with his vehicle.

Darrel Brooks was no stranger to police or the court system. The ACLU and other miscreants who hamper our system and keep criminals at large have ruined our justice system. Low bail and now in many cases, no bail, have made our streets the hunting grounds for criminals who prey on the most vulnerable of those among us.

All this abandonment of law and order started a long time ago. In the early sixties prayer and Bible reading were thrown out of schools. Kids used to be told there were things that were wrong. Not now, we can’t place our values on another parents child. So kids have no value system except what the screens tell them. The church left its post as screener of Hollywood trash in the sixties. Who’s to prevent our young from accepting and desiring to emulate the very worst on the screen. If there is no God, there is no one to hold them accountable. They are taught to worship dinosaurs and believe fables about the origin of life. There is no right or wrong in the animal kingdom. And so here we are, bathed in my truth and your truth.

A little at a time our standards have been replaced with rights to do whatever we want. There was a time when peer pressure would hamper the evil that lurks within every soul. Not so today. Our children play video games in which they gain points for each “kill”. Movies place deviant behavior on display to entice all who watch to indulge in the same decadence.

In the sixties, crazy as they were, no one drove a car into a parade to wreak mayhem. It wasn’t accepted, it wasn’t normal. But here we are with the new normal, cheating, stealing, and murdering without consequence and most times without remorse. It’s a chilling world our darlings of media have created. Time to warm things up.

We have leaders and followers of brutal cruelty much like the Amalekites in ancient Israel. Destroying everything that makes life worth living, it was a them or us type of situation. We know what Saul (our leaders) will do; the question is, will there be a Samuel to do the messy job of saving the country?

I don’t expect sinners to repent in droves; some will, most won’t. The burden belongs on the shoulder of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Bible says if “my” will repent, I will heal their land. It really has nothing to do with “those” people.

Nov 25, 2021 - Politics    No Comments

Dizzy Lizzy

Liz Cheney prides herself on being “one of the adults in the room. This of course means she is no fun to be around. Some think she’s courageous for standing against Donald Trump, not to mention the seventy million who voted for him. She’s got balls or some say. Really?

First of all she’s not transgender so she has no balls. But joking aside, standing against the constitution, and everything good about America hardly takes courage. She is a poster child for the old RINO establishment good-old-boy network, and hopes those glorious days of war-prone nation-building types will save the day from the big orange man.

It takes no balls to stand with the Marxist thugs of the Democrat Party. Old Liz is trying to carve a little niche in the Republican Party just like Collins, Murkowski and the rest who love being McCain-like “mavericks” and believe that makes them somehow more valuable to Congress as a whole.

Trump was an affront to the incumbency fraught political juggernaut we suffer under. Witnessing the wicked assault on Donald Trump it’s doubtful anyone else would volunteer to stand against the “woke” mob. Donald Trump is the one with balls. Sad to say there are so few men left like him. Most men want to be girls or at least hide behind them; happy wife, happy life, but no balls.

Nov 21, 2021 - Economy, Politics    No Comments

Scam In High Gear

I listened to the U.N. Global Tyranny Plan (Climate Change) and the drones have it well planned on how to take away the liberty of every man, woman, and child on earth. Boris, the leader of the British Climate Tag Team, spoke clearly about the urgency of doing away with our good life and getting back to basics. He says the big problem is that governments don’t have enough money to “make the change” so governments need more money.

More money, isn’t that what governments have always needed. We’ve given them a huge percentage of our income but grandiose goals need the big bucks. He doesn’t mention the little guy paying although I didn’t listen to the whole thing (couldn’t find my barf bag). Corporations, private business have got to flood the cookie jar coffers which of course is how they tax us for this crap. We buy the products the corporations produce and the cost for government nonsense passes to us schmucks who allow these idiots to empty our pockets.

In the end we will pay. We breathe in the good stuff and guess what horrible stuff comes out? Yes, the dreaded, life-on-earth-ending CARBON. When the planet doesn’t head south they will claim their actions are having a huge effect in the salvation of the planet and thank God (which is them) that they are in power and the charade is legitimate and let’s have a double portion.

Looking over history there doesn’t seem to be much hope of reversing accepted stupidity. Hope in the wisdom of clowns is not only foolish but reflects poorly on your love for others.

Nov 18, 2021 - Economy    No Comments

I Can’t Wait

I can’t wait for six dollar plus gasoline. That is the only thing that will grab the attention of the average shmuck.

Nov 12, 2021 - Politics    No Comments


The Bill of Rights spell out specifically what the government can and can’t do. Day by day, year by year, those rights have been diminished and in most cases eliminated.

There was a continual fight from the very beginning of this country between the control freaks and those that came for that heretofore unheard of thing called liberty. So we stand at the last barrier to total control, our body. Will the government impose their cradle to grave control on your most sacred part of you? As a former president said, “yes we can”.

911 stripped away our individual right to be free of search and seizure. We are no longer innocent until proven guilty. No, every man, woman, and child is now a suspect because “racial profiling” is no longer allowable. It’s not the dude from Saudi Arabia that might want to kill us, it’s an eight-five year old lady or a three year old kid. They brag about all the “dangerous” things they’ve confiscated since the draconian Patriot Act was put in place, but consider this, that those things were always coming in before. It is none of our governments business what’s in our luggage.

The Boston bombing gave them the right to search of our residence without a warrant. We have been kept out of the school system for years. Now that parents have witnessed what the communists are teaching our children because of zoom classes, they’re alarmed and complaining loudly at school board meetings. The real threat to government gaining complete control is the people voicing their opposition. Therefore their enemy is “domestic” terrorism. Their fight is with the citizen who value liberty and they will use everything at their disposal to enforce their will on us.

The police will be federalized. The army is being purged of those who have a spine as exemplified in the misfit transgender general that is celebrated as some kind of “first”.

All this diverse, inclusive nonsense is what’s needed to create a fascist state. Equality of outcome for the masses is always the end result of letting our perceived “betters” tell us how to live. I won’t predict the outcome but if history teaches us anything, the masses are pretty pliable and will turn on anyone that’s standing in the way of “normality”. Those nasty little people that want freedom to think, speak and prosper from their own efforts are an aberration in the history of humanity.

So we fight the boisterous mob of discontents who crave every scrap of personal belongings we have. This has all been brought about by a whittling away of the constitution and our nation turning its back on the little remaining adherence to Christian-based common law. It is so true that we reap what we sow. We have sown the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind.
