Archive from April, 2022
Apr 26, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Career Criminal

A 58-year-old man burglarized a home in Massachusetts. A fourteen-year-old girl thwarted his crime and drove him off with the help of steak knives and a whole lot of courage.

This demonstrates how hopelessly broken our criminal justice system is. Criminals laugh openly in court knowing they’ll be out before you know it and go right back to terrorizing other victims.

This criminal, Joseph Ridge, has been on a government-approved crime spree since he was 16 years old. From 1980 to the present he has been arraigned 140 times, or roughly, every three and a half months. It makes one wonder if he’s been arrested on average for three and a half months, how long did he ever spend in jail?

Obviously, Mr. Ridge learned the “ropes” of the court system. His case is not unusual and lax treatment is the norm largely because our prisons and jails are filled. It doesn’t help that George Soros-funded D.A.s are lowering punishments. It’s long been my position that making little rocks out of big rocks would incentify people to not be such eager participants in criminal activity.

Our government is filled with long-serving career politicians which in my mind is a similar career. Taxes are legalized theft and politicians have spent decades planning their crimes against humanity. Being robbed by a common thief is usually a one time event. The government on the other hand has a legal right to whatever your personal property. Everything you own is at risk from a government with an insatiable appetite for your money. It matters little which party is in power.

On the other hand, we’ve become very comfortable being led by thieves. The monies they take from our posterity to pay for our safety nets shift the blame for that theft from us to our leaders. We elect people that are just like us, thieves.

Apr 17, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Great Delusion

John J. Mearsheirmer has written a book that everyone should read especially those knights in shining drag that we elect to spread our perversion around the globe. Our politicians believe the secret to peace is to establish a New World Order, a place where democracy reigns and everyone lives under the umbrella of protected rights. They look in the collective mirror and forget what they look like as soon as they turn away. We chose them to represent us and so we are culpable also in forgetting our own hypocrisy. There’s a modicum of self-righteousness in all of us.

No, I’m not talking about white supremacy and the litany of supposed “crimes against humanity” that my family should be tried for but it is the relentless pursuit to remake the world in our immoral image. We foist our depravity on mankind and when they don’t play along we start a war to end the terror of people living without the privilege of democracy. We assume everyone wants to be like us but in truth they really only want what we have; food, a place to live in peace, or more simply put, a better life.

There is no connection between their hearts and minds on what it takes to get to that peaceful place. They just know there is that place and want to go there. With them, they bring the good, the bad, and the ugly. What they don’t want is to be American. Citizenship and the responsibilities of supporting the whole mess is the last thing on their mind.

What supports this messy little place called America? Debt. Our whole system is propped up by the central bank which has been endowed by its creator with certain inalienable rights and that is the right to produce money out of whole cloth, loan it to our nation, charge interest for doing so and set that interest rate. It’s the perfect shell game and all of us are obligated to play.

Knowing this is one thing but understanding it is another. Our whole system is built on the sands of unpayable debt. Some of us are lucky enough to have our homes paid for. We feel somewhat secure and as long as the cards are well shuffled we can sleep. But more than likely we look around us and realize something disturbing, at least it should be disturbing. Those houses around us aren’t paid for; we are a small craft floating in an ocean of debt. And then we realize that those houses are taxed including ours, an obligation we carry and even support in our own minds.

Our taxes support many things good, bad and ugly. Everything falls into those categories, it just depends upon who defines those terms. When the whole thing collapses it is those who “own” their homes who will lose everything.

The wealth we’ve spent our lifetime building can be taken in a heartbeat by the taxing authority. It won’t be till then that the truth will be fully known; taxes are nothing more than theft. Taxes are theft. We’ve been robbed of every good thing and like good little frogs we allowed it.

Apr 7, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Same Old Story

The takedown of a country from within is always done the same way. Through malicious incompetence and malfeasance, the existing culture is changed by nonstop questioning of history to kill the roots of the present life. By fueling fear of the future, the crisis is an opportunity for complete acceptance of tyranny..

Usually, this ends up with some attempt at creating a necessary war to right some perceived wrong. War puts a population under further stress because the outcome isn’t clear and people are galvanized behind the current leader. Moving the country from crisis to crisis grooms them for the readied solution of the tyrants. Power elites know that populations desire safety above all else.

Ignorant people are easy to control and our country is in tremendous danger because we have millions of idiot citizens who seem to question nothing except their gender. We now are keenly and evenly divided into two basic groups, the prudent and the insane.

The Bible says people perish for a lack of knowledge. Personal sin is what makes that a willful choice. As long as the good-life charade continues, the end becomes set in stone.

The only saving grace is the fact that the saviors in charge of the rubber room are themselves becoming more incapable of putting the finishing touches on their dystopian plans. This isn’t to say there will be anything left to build on but at least then we’ll be able to have a better vision of our future without the fetters of pretended reality.