Digital Programable Money
Now that the monetized debt system has reached the end of its trail, the governments of most of the world’s countries are playing with the idea of a digital currency. The criminal money artisans are busily trying to do the impossible: create a can that never needs kicking down the road.
Digital currencies do provide faster, safer, and more convenient capital movement, but the reason they want to do this is, they have abused the world’s monetized debt-based monetary systems to the point of no return.
If the debt is paid off, there will be no circulating medium… which is a debt trap, so the way to deal with insurmountable quantities of debt is to reduce its value by creating more debt (inflation). When inflation becomes out of control, the bankers simply devalue or revalue the currency, depending on their objectives.
In 1948, the Deutch Mark wiped out much of Germany’s accrued debt, along with its people’s savings. In 1960, it was the French Franc, followed by Brazil’s Cruzeiros in 1967 robbing their citizens of their savings and future wealth. The dollar, and American workers/savers, are now on the same path.
Due to falling occupancy rates in commercial real estate, the commercial loans held by banks are coming under pressure. First Republic and Signature Bank held the ninth and tenth-largest portfolios of commercial debt. Regional and small banks hold thirty-eight percent of all commercial debt. Rising interest rates are making commercial enterprises less affordable which leads to banks being more stringent in who they loan to.
If defaults spike (a likely scenario), banks will write down the value of these properties. Real estate loans amount to about 2.2 trillion dollars of which commercial property makes up about 500 billion. The FED will no doubt spend the next years initiating digital currency tokens to prevent the public from doing a run on their banks. Business loan defaults lead to recession and the collapse of housing.
The savings of the top earners will be scalped as was done in Greece during the “Great Recession”. The “too big to fail” philosophy doesn’t apply to the citizenry. The goal since the inception of the FED was to control all wealth and keep the common man from controlling his life and his future. Governments, all governments, are evil and it is indeed sad to see the noble efforts of our founders so easily discarded.
We are at the end of all things. The final chapter is unfolding before our eyes. Control of our buying and selling is at the door. If you try to save your life you will lose it. Think eternally. There’s nothing to plan for any longer. I look around at everything I have; I don’t want any of it.
America was a nice little “heaven on earth” for a while. It’s served its purpose; time to move on.
Revelation 13, verse 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. (17) that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Here is wisdom, let him that has wisdom count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, three score and six.
Start counting.