Archive from May, 2023
May 31, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Nothing Outrageous

Ten years ago U.S. Fish and Wildlife fined an eleven-year-old Virginia girl $535 for the crime of rescuing a woodpecker from a cat and nursing it back to health. the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration threatened a marine biologist with twenty years in prison for, wait, think about this, whistling at a whale. Twice federal agents raided Gibson’s guitar factory for breaking an arcane law on imported wood. Not sure why they needed assault weapons; I guess guitar makers are pretty violent people.

We are assaulted every time we go through security at the airport. F.B.I. agents and other nefarious SWAT teams displaying weapons swoop down on unsuspecting innocent people and haul them off to jail. This is all done for political reasons and it happens to anyone from clergy to enemies of the Democratic agenda on a regular basis.

It’s all outrageous. We’ve become very compliant weak people. Our president’s house was raided and now he’s been indicted for no crime. Take note, there are 34 charges. A real indictment would have a half a dozen charges at most usually. Thirty-four? These are Soros-funded/elected prosecutors that sought office for one reason only, to circumvent the law, tie political opposition up for years in lawsuits, and if at all possible, imprison them.

We live in a banana republic. The signs are all over. The Democratic Party is ruining this nation. And for what? Power. You see, politicians live well no matter how the citizens live. They get rich. They eat ice cream and laugh at the carnage they cause. Outrageous.


May 24, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I’m making my prediction rather early but things are playing out much to my dismay as usual. I’m not naive about how big a role money plays in elections. When you’re outspent two to one or more, it should dawn on those running for office that they must kowtow to the big boys with money. Don’t bad talk about my business interests or my personal views and maybe I’ll make sure you have a chance of winning. If not, you’re a loser plain and simple. This happens in much the same way to news organizations; they are servants to their sponsors.

It takes a real person of courage to go against the grain of corporate-promoted public opinion. In matters of discourse surrounding the economy, military, government welfare programs, etc. there’s always been debate over spending and where those monies should go. Today we turn the last corner on the road to tyranny.

Today we have a new phenomenon, engaging every citizen in the acceptance of blatant lies. Climate change has been thrust into our lives as a must-solve problem. No one can argue that climate change is real, so instilling fear in our upcoming generation has given solid support to this world government tax scheme. This manufactured crisis is for a time somewhat overshadowed by another manufactured crisis-transgenderism.

Creating a crisis and providing a solution has long been the main activity of the government. The new crisis is created to keep us “busy” so we don’t notice the devastation of the solution to the last crisis. However, transgender nonsense is a major step in subjugating a reluctant public. The covid lockdowns, mask mandates, social distance nonsense, and vaccines were all primers for the total assault on our noncompliant nature.

By openly and aggressively supporting the genital mutilation of our children whilst cloaking it in LGBTWXYZ rights, they are trying to throw all of moral society in the bigot heap of America. So what does this have to do with 2024?

I voted for Donald Trump twice because he supported an America we people in the middle of the country loved. Four years without war, lower taxes, and a live-let-live feeling to life. However, it was Donald Trump who promoted the lethal vaccines and allowed Dr. Doom to destroy our lives with lockdowns and masks. I can forgive stupidity and I appreciate the criminal assault on our democracy by the Democratic Party’s attempt at a coup but in the end, a good candidate must separate from the money clowns.

Ron Di Santis is the only candidate willing to do it all, stand up for what’s moral, and let the chips fall as they may. The other Republicans running, including Donald Trump, are pandering to the evil money interest of big business (Disney). Disney’s desire to inculcate our children with unnatural sexual desires must be challenged. Bending to the will of big money is what has put us in the terrible financial and moral crisis we now face. The American people have allowed America’s demise because the vast majority vote for government benefits which transfers our moral obligations to bureaucracies.

I can envision Donald and Ron going to heads on basic moral issues. The Republican Party is and has always been divided leaving we the voters frustrated. The Democratic Party has no moral compass whilst the Republican Party has several. Donald and Ron should get together if they really wanted to save America. Actually, I believe Ron would do so but Donald’s ego is too large and he really wants the glory of winning the top prize. Unfortunately, this confrontation will bring out the worst in Donald.

Mr. Biden in my view will likely win a second term. He has a track record of doubling down when confronted with wrongdoing. The debt debacle will be no different in my view. The chaos that ensues will be blamed on Republicans. All democrats blame Republicans for everything no matter what, so they will blame Republicans. Democrats are in Biden’s pocket. Some Republicans don’t know or care who’s to blame. They will vote for Biden, not a great number but just enough. A divided Republican base will prove to be a no-contest match for Mr. McGoo.

Biden’s winning will give Obama the fourth turn he needs to finish the “change coming to America”. As an aside, expect a false flag event to be used for our military to be activated in the 2024 selection. The coup won’t be complete until we see our soldiers on the streets protecting us from “domestic terrorists”.

May 15, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

A few years ago Brandeis University deemed Ayaan Hirsi Ali to be hateful to speak to their student body. What you might ask was she so hateful about? She had the audacity to denounce Islam for its brutal treatment of women, especially clitoridectomies, or better said, mutilation of women’s genitals. In deference to Islamic tyrants, the school in cowardly leftist fashion would not allow a woman to oppose a bunch of thugs who demand autonomy over a woman’s body.

I really don’t believe the left acquiesced to Islam for the usual multicultural garbage but rather it’s because Muslim men will kill you if you defy their edicts. I believe all the talk of xenophobia is nothing but a cover for spineless white men voicing stupid platitudes.

Ten years later women have a new enemy, men (mostly white) dressed like women purely for the sport of degrading their value. I guess that’s Islam America style.

Diversity’s new meaning: equal outcome for the wishy-washy squirming masses.

May 10, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Deaths Door

We buried my mother-in-law this past week. She, like all of us will, passed through the door of death. What it’s like going through that door is personal. I ran across this writing by Thomas Moult that I just felt the need to share. His words took me as close as I can get.


When men betray the Cause they smiled upon, and weaklings turn their faces from the fight, when our fine Vision dims to darkest night with battle after battle lost, and seeming end;

O may I stand with those who struggle on, staunch in the ranks so pitifully thinned, strong with the strength of the great North Wind, and the courage of you, my Friend.

When death creeps darkly to my quiet room, chilling my heart with his harsh whispered word, when daylight flickers, and the world grow blurred, and life is guttering like a candle’s end.

O may that Vision shine on through the gloom!…and as my wearied pulsing slowly stills, give me the calm of the unchanging hills, and your dear arms, my Friend.