Archive from December, 2023
Dec 22, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Fat Man Conspiracy

Being this is a mere observation of the decline in Christianity I’m not devoting much investigation (actually none) into why this is happening as there is certainly a many-faceted reason for it. I’m more interested in the root of the belief that not only is the existence of God coming into question but do we even need God to justify right and wrong or necessary to remain civilized.

It stems originally from the first sin in the Garden of Eden. First, we question what God said (and therefore His character), secondly, we question why we aren’t capable of taking his place. Once we’re forced to leave Eden and have to deal with a life of misery without God, this life of death eats away at our willingness to even consider giving God pleasure. We don’t live in pleasure so why should He?

We lie if we tell a child a fat man is coming down his chimney and giving him presents. Eventually, the lie will be obvious. If we also tell our child a baby was born in a manger and his mother was a virgin, how will they know that wild story isn’t also a lie? Is it any wonder children have trouble believing their parents about anything?