Jul 1, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments


We have a president from Chicago. The left with all its corruption has a stranglehold on Chicago politics; and now all that corruption has been brought to Washington. We all know that Washington has been a cauldron of corruption for years; we’ve all been voting for the “good” guys, but in reality both parties have been taking us down the same path to fiscal ruin. Now we’ve elected a man to lead the whole mess that holds everything America stands for in contempt. Much could be said about what America stands for although the basic thing is this: America was a place where you could freely express your thoughts, keep the money you earned, and be solely responsible for yourself and your family. Freedom from political corruption and control was a whole new idea. When the current president said he wanted to change America fundamentally it’s freedom he wanted to eliminate. We’ve had thought police for some time but now we can be imprisoned for thinking and saying the “wrong” thing. Christian values were the basis for our legal system. Our judges rule not by law but by what they believe the law should be. Our president and attorney general have determined which laws they will enforce. When freedom of religion was established it was because of the persecution of previous governments. The king decided how you would worship God or decide that he is god. Our chaplains in the military are forbidden to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Is this religious freedom? This president favors Islam and is assisting in every way to crush Christ and exalt Allah. The war is raging for control. That’s nothing new. What’s new is the global assault on freedom and Christ. There’s nowhere to hide from it in a United Nations controlled world. Chicago, New York, Seattle, or your home town, the corruption has spread everywhere. Those standing against it will be mocked and persecuted for not being tolerant of the evil. Evil is now good and good is evil. Stand; it’s the right thing.

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