Aug 11, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Game Shows

I’ve spent the last six weeks in my old hometown. We watched game shows at my mother-in-law’s house. I’ve seen game shows for years. I suppose there is some entertainment value. Now, back in Arizona, this game show is playing in this waiting area. The contestant is fifty years old or so. Of course I’ve witnessed the goofy antics and shameless exuberance of contestants before; but here was an old boy that allowed me to put my finger on the nagging question: who are these people? In general they all have the same wild-eyed look of this guy. An emptiness of soul you could see. They are representative of a society that wants something for nothing. They desire to circumvent the work required for success. They have years invested into the game of life and are failing. Half of our society receives a government check, something for nothing. At least that’s the perception. There are usually some hoops to jump through, truth to be bent. and liberty to give up. Americans are well fed and still looking for more handouts. Actually it’s not something for nothing. It’s giving up personal ethics, agreeing to an ever decreasing standard of living, and accepting the destruction of your children’s future. I’ve never bought a lottery ticket; it is a clever way for the state to tax the poor. We have clever boys running the show; they have that same wild-eyed look. Winning election is like that game show. They get a whole lot of something if they win; but the payment is the same. Truth to be bent, hoops to jump through and a willingness to extinguish liberty.

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