Feb 10, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments

A New Day

The whole world is becoming disenchanted with this new world order garbage. Belief in the goodness of mankind is pretty much held only in the minds of college kids, the ignorant (of which there are many), politicians and corporate types who have much to gain from a global slave population. The world seems to be turning to nationalism. Without delving into the merits of this movement, I believe it’s unstoppable as so many have become aware of the bankruptcy of the old Keynesian system. To say this is life changing is a gross understatement. I’m not sure how you totally prepare for violent change but suffice it to say that doing something is better than doing nothing. We will be on our own and not so dependent on government. We will need our friends, neighbors, family and church to make it through. We will learn that we actually need each other. I believe God is going to do a great work in these latter days. We know that there is a remnant willing to turn from their sins and turn again to God for their needs. A great awakening is coming. Young people are turning to Christ and God is pouring out His spirit on them. Muslims are turning to Christ. Islam has not delivered what only Jesus Christ can and that is the ability to become children of a loving God. God wants to talk with men and wants men to talk to Him. Allah is unknowable; he can’t forgive your sin. Jesus Christ not only forgives your sin, but He forgets your sin. You become His brother and God becomes your Father. So even though the change coming is dramatic and unnerving to many, those of us who know Christ will find that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. He is rich; He is strong. For Christians we prepare the same way we always should. Remember the birds and flowers don’t prepare for anything and that’s how we should be. You can’t prepare for what’s coming except to prepare our hearts. The change is for the better. Look up, your redemption is drawing nigh.

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