Apr 7, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

A Short Work

We older people have watched society decay over the last sixty years much in the same way our parents and grandparents did watch theirs.  A lot has changed in the last hundred years but much has remained the same.  What’s remains the is the ongoing gullibleness of mankind.  I imagine the power of sin makes men susceptible to stupid thinking; maybe it would be kinder to say wishful thinking but then I’m not really that kind.

The book of Daniel and elsewhere reminds us that God chooses who will become a ruler of a nation.  We are moving relentlessly in the direction of Armaggedon and the pace of events is ever increasing.  Following is a partial list of the men that God has placed in the power of the United States and how they contribute to readying the world for the end of the age.

President Johnson:  His purpose was to initiate the social programs necessary to break down the family structure.  Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and all the rest of the safety net programs have usurped a man’s role as provider for his family.  Johnson also escalated the war in Vietnam.  The careless squandering of our youth in southeast Asia rightly led young people to revolt.  The hippie slob generation was born.  Drugs, music, and long ignored social problems made these kids an easy target for indoctrination in our public schools.  They were taught to hate America.

Enter Richard Nixon.  He took America off the gold standard.  This paved the way for some future president to approve budgets with deficits of unimaginable heights.  The EPA, OSHA, and other business-crippling agencies paved the way for our new friend China to overtake us.

Jimmy Carter:  Although the seeds of conflict in the Middle East were planted long ago, it was Jimmy who suddenly uprooted the previous crop of cronies,  leaving the seed of future war in the Middle East firmly planted..

Ronald Raegan:  He gave America a reason to be optimistic again.  His role was to expand the economy.  He was a kinder, less accomplished Donald Trump.

George H. Bush:  He watered the seed Jimmy Carter planted.

Bill Clinton:  His sole purpose was to degrade the office of the president with scandal and corruption.

George W. Bush:  Terrorism is born.  Not that we didn’t have real enemies but George Bush brought us all under the eye of Homeland Security.  The state was suddenly given power it was never meant to have.

Barack Obama:  If one had to put a label on him, it would be the great divider.  He wanted America to pay for its “wicked” behavior, bring her down a few notches, and make America more like the rest of the world: impoverished.  But wait, Mr. Obama was going to accomplish much more than that.  He was a tireless crusader for homosexual rights.  He hired a lesbian woman to hire as many LBGQWXYZ people as possible.  Ditto the military and everything else he could touch, legally or not.  As an aside, he brought Muslims into our government.  He was to so overstep his authority as to make enough people discouraged and hence Donald Trump became the president.  By exalting the homosexual lifestyle, he made it possible for America and the world to become like Sodom and Gomorrha.

Donald Trump:  His job is to free up the Christian church to spread the gospel to the whole world.  The economy will thrive under Donald Trump.  It will become like the days of Noah, eating, drinking, (a lot), giving in marriage, life as usual.  The world will be filled with violence.  We’ll get used to it.

Obviously, this is a much-condensed list of presidents and their contributions to our situation today, but hopefully in is as clear to you as it is to me.


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