Oct 24, 2020 - Uncategorized    No Comments

A Very Wonderful Idea

Our country is divided at the urging of the Democrat Party. Obama was a community organizer and the purpose of community organizing is to foster resentment of one group for the purpose of extracting some reparation out of the offended perpetrator. From Al Sharpton to Jesse Jackson, many have been engineers on the hate train.

The real reason for the dividing of the country is for one party (Democrat) to achieve one-party rule. Our existing constitution requires a bicameral system, president, and supreme court. Democrats have always leaned left but in the last ten years have succumbed to the radical agenda of the Socialist/Communist movement. This Is the perfect time to install a totalitarian regime.

Donald Trump is a stumbling block on the road to globalism. The long term goal was to bring the United States fully into the New World Order. The MAGA agenda is throwing a wrench in everything they planned, hence the continual assault on Trump’s presidency.

All of this talk of white privilege, racism, and other “isms” have driven us to the point of no return. We’re divided by race, sex, age, and now, masks. It’s very possible we will be entering the last stage before the civil war. Republicans, the constitution, Christians, or just regular America loving people are the enemy.

The end always justifies the means in the Democrat’s mind. A sad end to a very wonderful idea; America.

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