Amazon is destined to become the biggest company in the world. The big box stores edged out the mom and pop operations and now Amazon taking the business of the brick and mortar boys. There will always be big box stores because women in general like to shop. Trying clothes on in the Amazon dressing rooms is difficult. But it is the agenda of the leftist owner that bothers me most. Jeff Bezos is just another in a mass of leftist globalists business giants who can’t keep their nose out of our lives. This communist sympathizer came out against the ban on immigration from certain terrorist countries. As pay back to this bozo, the Muslim guards he hired decided to protest Amazon. Why? Because they need to bow down to a tyrant five times a day; they need space provided to do that. Imagine if a Christian, nursing mother or any of us nasty old natural born citizens demanded the same. Fat chance right? I’m sure in his infinite wisdom he will provide the necessary place for despot worship. I don’t shop at his store. He’s an educated idiot who hates America, but loves the money our system allows him to make. He is just another Marxist following Darwin to doom. All that money, all that potential, all for naught. Without Christ he is a dead man walking.