America Great Again
There is some talk of making America great again. I know what everyone is after, a good job that pays well, safe streets, a bank account that paid interest, you know, some predictable hope. But making America great requires something else. We need the ten commandments so at least we’ve been told it’s wrong to steal, kill, lie, and not covet another persons property. And yes, we need the commandments about God too. That way we know that we never really get away with anything because one day we’ll stand before our maker and give an account of our life. We’ve got to be ashamed of aborting every fourth child, of paying taxes to support a company that chops up their little bodies for fun and profit. We’ve got to turn our backs on Hollywood and all the other promoters of smut. And how about turning off the mesmerizing phones, TV, computers, and spend some time with our children. America needs redemption but to be redeemed we need to want to be. And it all starts with me. Will you join me and turn from whatever keeps you from serving God with your whole heart and loving your neighbor as yourself? Come on, His yolk is easy.