May 7, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments

American Pie

Don Mclean wrote a song called American Pie. It’s a rendition of everyone’s rant when they notice that all the things they held dear and the people and events that made up the fabric of their life is fading into a new era. The new generation as a whole doesn’t recognize the precious things that are now lost and forgotten. The essence and value of our life reside mostly in our mind. We are told in the Bible to renew our mind. If we did that when we were young then the emptiness of old age is less important, for we are filled with the promise of eternity and not the things of this world which pass so quickly away. But that doesn’t totally dampen the disappointment of unrealized dreams. It’s the day the music died. We used to fill our ears with it but now the din of re-lived past songs echo hollow. These pied pipers were singing our tunes, we believed, we cared about the written trivia and even danced as it all fell apart around us. The church bells all are broken and in protest hardly a word is spoken. Our lives are gone with a whisper along with our dreams. So, bye, bye American Pie, my Chevys become a Honda, and those old friends are drinking whatever they can before they die. Oh, if I could only reach them. Now I know how Noah felt; alone.

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