Aug 27, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Years ago in Coeur d’Alene Idaho the Aryan Nation obtained a permit for a parade through the downtown area. The media and politicians got everyone excited and the whole community rallied around opposing the group. They even formed the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations to combat the fringe group. As I recall there were about twenty members that marched that day in the city of Coeur d’Alene. Because of the over reaction to this group the city spent $100,000 on extra security; this for a parade which no one watched. That’s $5000 per participant in the march. This is lunacy; this is leftist thinking-imagining crisis, getting everyone riled, and of course spending money. For years democrats/leftist have been driving a wedge between the races for political gain and they are to blame for the predicament we are in today. Antifa has inherited the baton passed from Marxist, to communist, and finally to a brainwashed youth who are ripe for the idiot brigades necessary to destroy freedom. The day of the useful idiot has arrived. These goons use violence against Nazis and other people they deem less holy than they. And on top of that they decide who is deserving of violence. If you say anything they don’t like it’s punch time. It won’t be long till the killing starts. Those nasty skin heads and such aren’t nice people but at least in Idaho they were mostly an irritation. But antifa types are moving steadily to violence thinking they are doing the work of god and they are god. They are romanticizing violence and our youth are starting to believe violence is the proper way to oppose us nasty white people. Just being white will be enough to bring their wrath upon us. For years they’ve been taught that white is wrong and anything any minority does is right. My advise is to stay alert and well armed. Realize how fast we can slide into civil war. This is what they want. This is what they will get and may the Lord have mercy on the minorities that disagree.

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