Jul 27, 2022 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Build Back Better

Renewable Energy is incapable of powering much of anything as the machines that use sun and wind cannot survive without fossil fuels. In fact our whole modern life depends upon oil. All those morbidly expensive windmills don’t turn when the wind doesn’t blow. As fate would have it, the state famous for oil is powered by hundreds of wind turbines. Allowing these relics of the future to play a crucial role in the electrical grid is pure stupidity. Texas and the other climate-change centers will pay a huge price for listening to people that should have been jailed or committed to a nut house.

I drove the old Route 66 on my way east. I started noticing the intellectual jokes strung through the countryside. What a disappointment. We have oil and tons of it. And just because our politicians are joining in the nonsensical rant of a Scandanavian teenager, we all must destroy our progress and return to a life without hope.

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