Bureaucracy as a Weapon
The Democratic Party controls everything. They recently voted down a couple important amendments to their (pardon the expression) Inflation Reduction Act that indicates the left’s next move in their final assault on liberty. A declaration that the Justice Department wouldn’t label parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists are needless to say troubling. We are to have no say in what the government’s children learn.
All democrats voted against it and no republicans voted for it. Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote. We’ve seen the lapdogs in the media calling all republicans dangerous to democracy echoing the words of our commander in theft, Joe Robinette Biden. Opposition to democrat policy is now terrorist activity.
Another amendment defeated by the democrats was a provision that the new batch of armed IRS agents wouldn’t be going after people making less than $400,00 a year. Although that was the promise of the democrats, in the end, the regular guy on the street was going to be oppressed by a militant band of tax criminals.
At present the Irs have 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition. Breaking that down it’s 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles, and in case there’s a heavily armed tax cheat, 15 submachine guns. The message is, pay your taxes and don’t ask any questions; you won’t like our answers.
The Veterans Administration have 11 rounds of ammunition, camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, and other specialized devices to squelch veteran’s protests I suppose.
HHS has 4 million rounds of ammunition and 1,300 guns which include five submachine guns. Ditto for the Social Security Administration which have 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents. The EPA has 600 guns and even the Smithsonian employs 620 armed special agents.
This is a de facto standing army of militarized civilian forces which look and dress like the military. They have the authorization to make arrests. These are foot soldiers in the state’s standing bureaucratic army meant to intimidate and with threat of violence enforce the government’s edicts.
The IRS recruitment posting (now taken down) for people willing to use deadly force should be unsettling to our population. We domestic terrorists are alarmed and our numbers are growing. Those that are secure in their government-provided sustenance (think Boomers) are mostly oblivious to the dangerous predicament we’re in. The government’s always “fixed” things in the past so no worries. With the contested elections this fall we can expect to find ourselves in the throes of martial law.
Even the local police (like the military) have been purged of anyone with a backbone and have been given quasi-military gear right down to jackboots. If it wasn’t for the regime’s aggressive assault on energy most of the population would be giving a ho-hum to the clatter of politics. However, the rapid deterioration of our ability to survive has awoken many to the fact something is drastically wrong. Coupled with a fairly large army of Trump voters, this Great Reset might not go down our throats so easily.
The raid on President Trump’s home adds to the sentiment the F.B.I. is thoroughly in the control of the Democratic Party. President Trump warned us that we, the citizens of this country, were the enemy of the Biden administration. And so we are.