Card Tricks
There’s a phrase that describes an inmate waiting on death row when there are no more appeals or pardons possible. The sentence will be carried out. They are a “dead man walking”. This is the situation America finds herself in. The sentence is: you will reap what you sow. We live in a country where one of the most corrupt politicians in our history can still get forty to fifty percent of the vote. This tells us the average citizen is also corrupt and unworthy to live in a free society. Supported by a corrupt supreme court our society has rejected marriage as an institution for the creation and protection of the family. Since the legalization of infanticide in 1973 our citizens have killed fifty three million of its children and now we have arrived at the point of cannibalizing their corpses for the benefit of ourselves. The government must borrow forty cents of every dollar to satisfy our insatiable desires. How long will the collapse take? We’ve built the house of cards beyond what anyone would have thought possible. As long as there are cards to play the politicians will keep on building. I wonder how long Peter can supply the cards.