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Aug 18, 2021 - Religion    No Comments

Centrism God Of This Age

Centrist would seem to indicate a coming together of the right and the left, a compromise for the purpose of the supporting the common good. In today’s culture the left considers themselves good and the right unredeemably evil. So a “melting” of values for the common good is impossible.

What is more likely is the elimination of the “evil” side and the left becoming the center of acceptable thought. The left have cleverly over time changed the meaning of normal and truth in so much that everyone is being forced into accepting the tyrannical view of the state. It is the state that offers the centrist view which is most dangerous to self autonomy.

The constitution created a system of compromise endeavoring to prevent any one faction from gaining too much power. We were given a republic not a democracy as Ben Franklin said however our founders knew that at some point voters would realize that benefits could be obtained by defeating other political groups and hence today we have this mob mentality that insists the one side must agree on everything they want. In other words their view in the centrist view, the only view that must be facilitated.

“Group” law must be accepted and no opposition is tolerated. Tolerance of nonsensical cultural and political positions is codified first in achademia and then in law which of course supported by government. The centrist view is the only acceptable view in a tyranny. We think the Nazis were some unique evil nation but it was simply taken over by those that wished to dictate what the difference between good and evil was and force the acceptance of one view.

The Bible says that the heart is wicked and who can know it. What that means is, we may sincerely believe we are right about something and not realize that it stems from a very selfish heart. We deceive ourselves; we do not know good from evil but we insist we do and force our will on others.

The U.N. effort to bring the world together in a New World Order sounds so reasonable and centered on the cause of meding equality of outcome to everyone. That’s a centrist, reasonable sounding purpose. But, like the tower of Babel, it is that centrist view that drives this effort and in the end instead of having many competling for tyrannical control of the many nations, their would only be one place of governance for the common good and one leader. And therein lies the danger simply because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Dec 23, 2013 - Religion, Uncategorized    No Comments

A Savior is Born

Two thousand years is a long time, at least from our perspective; after all we’re “lucky” if we live a hundred years. So twenty hundred year lifetimes back to back might as well be eternity. If Christ came to save us why hasn’t he returned like he promised? When He created the universe, the earth, its furnishings, and lastly us,; He knew the beginning from the end.

God was perfect; there is none to question His authority, justice, and mercy. This is His creation and scripture tells us that all things were created by Him and for His pleasure. If I were God I might choose to do things differently, but like all men I am deeply flawed and this world would have self-destructed long ago if I were at the helm. God in His kindness and mercy has given man plenty of time; over and over men have chosen their way and we behold the destruction of our choices every day. That is because we are slaves to sin, we can’t help ourselves, and that’s why we need a savior.

We are born dead in our trespasses, our sin controls us, our nature determines our hopeless state. But two thousand years ago Christ came to free us from the power and penalty of sin. We need to be born again because our bodies are alive but our spirits are dead. God longs to communicate with us and that is accomplished only in the spirit. He wants to occupy our hearts, to be closer than a brother. He loves us and more than anything else wants us to love Him.

This planet has rejected Him and being the creator of it all He has every right to destroy it. But He loved us and love is a decision to do the right thing. Being a loving and merciful God, He provided a way that we could be redeemed. And who could pay the price for that redemption but God himself? So in the frailty of a baby, presented to the poorest of men, he presented His sacrifice to Himself. If man would accept His sacrifice as payment for their personal sin, God would forgive them and accept them as His children. We have a choice to make; will we pay for our sin ourselves or allow Christ to stand in our place?

I pray you have chosen the latter. That is the only thing that can put the merry in Christmas. I praise God for saving this wretched man from bondage and letting me bask in the wonders of his grace. Merry Christmas and may you be blessed by Him this coming year.
