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Oct 2, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments


It’s time to pay attention to what’s going on in the world and understand the time in which you live. We are on the threshold of the brave new world. Technology is making it possible to do what was unthinkable not long ago. Young people do not know the wisdom of the past and are ready participants in the new world order. The tower of Babel has been rebuilt and men can bring about any evil thing they want. If you desire to know what’s happening may I suggest giving a listen to Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, Ron Paul, Paul Washer, or Jonathan Cahn. If not, then let’s spin that wheel, pick the right letter, and watch Vanna expose more of the puzzle.

Sep 30, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments

IRA and 401K

I’ll make this short and sweet. IRA and 401K accounts are a scam. All you can invest your money in are worthless, low performance mutual funds. Most have two percent or more fees which leaves you with scraps. You “make” money, you pay. You lose money, you pay. And there is some talk these days about confiscating all that wealth to supply the government money so they can extend the shell game. There are better ways, like real estate, to fund your retirement. Don’t get caught up in the government designed scam. When your old you’ll regret it.

Sep 28, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Donald Trump is a very successful businessman. He’s been candid about how you must pay off politicians to get anything accomplished. He doesn’t have time for “losers” which is to say the politically correct crowd that learned all their prejudices from the government schools. This isn’t to say that he is the paragon of virtue. But he is unafraid to be open about what he sees as wrong. He’s also not afraid to say that he can and will fix the problem. This is monstrously annoying to the left or anyone in the political culture with an agenda other than making America great again. Can he do it? If elected, would he do it? Who knows. What’s refreshing is his willingness to do something which the rest of the politicians endlessly talk about. On the Apprentice he has shown how he can put unlikely people together and get results. It’s not about cronies or friends. He always tells people how great they are to include Dennis Rodman. But getting the job done isn’t about surrounding yourself with popular people or people you or voters like. You keep people who produce results. That’s the way he works. That’s why he would do well as president. You may not agree with him; you may not like him. But one must admit, he knows how to get something done.

Sep 25, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Saving America

Many of us would like to “save” America. We like the idea of freedom; freedom to benefit from our labor, own our property, make our own way. In short, we believe we have certain inalienable rights which are: control of our life, the liberty to say the truth, and the freedom to pursue happiness. These things were possible when God was God. The United States has decided that its government is God and that all benefits are derived from servitude to the state. The Bible tells us that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. One thing I’ve noticed is even the most ardent atheist is quite comfortable being subservient to the state. We’re told to choose this day whom we will serve. This implies that we will be of service to a god. We cannot have two masters. We will serve one and hate the one that we reject. The fool serves the state; the wise serve the God of the Bible. Those who serve the state are continually trying to find a “good” man (or whatever it is these days) to lead the nation into Utopia. Everyone is looking for a good politician to “save” them and their creed. I’m a political atheist. I do not believe that sinners are capable of electing good men. I believe that if the Lord doesn’t build the nation, they who build it labor in vain. The promises of God are eternal; the promises of politicians are good till they are elected. The promise of God is to bless you. The promise of the politician is the same. The difference is that God isn’t running for office. He doesn’t need you to like Him, believe Him, or trust Him. The politician needs all of that from their constituents so they throw out a few bones to keep them voting right. So men keep believing the broken promise of hope and change and turn their back on the only one who can save them, Jesus Christ. “For there is no other name given among men by which you must be saved.”

Aug 3, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Hot Cars

Living in Phoenix is an eye-opener to just how degraded our society has become. There are murders, robbery, assaults and all the other crimes just like the small city I left in the north except much more of it. But one crime is so disturbing it makes me believe we are on the verge of a collapse of civilization. It is the leaving of small children in a locked car in the hot Arizona sun. If the child is lucky, someone notices and calls the police. Most of the time the parent or fill-in-the-blank says they forgot their child was in the car. Really? They forgot? What kind of misfits are becoming parents these days. My wife and I never “forgot” our child in the car. How do you forget your child? Maybe it’s because they’ve been taught they’re nothing but animals; they just evolved into the piece of crap they are. They won’t answer to God; why, He doesn’t exist; so they think. Sometimes I understand the flood of Noah. Sometimes I think judgment is sooner than I think. Actually it’s overdue.