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Mar 13, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments


All these many years later Mao is still held in high regard by many Chinese. The indoctrination by the state dies out slowly. Mao’s legacy is democide like all of his ilk. I would imagine your view of a tyrant is derived from which side of the persecution you’re on. However Stalin’s victims in from the gulag mourned his death. These “gifted” leaders parade themselves through the streets, erect their images everywhere, and their people are required to chant the glories of the exalted one. Here we stand today in America with the population of benefactors extolling the virtue of corrupt politicians. Mr. Obama is held in high regard for the same arrogant better then you attitude. Are we to follow in the same footsteps of the other chumps who followed their pied pipers to a hellish life; or are we to remain free?

Mar 11, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments

It’s on the can

I used to be a irrigation contractor. I was taught there was a right way to do something. I watched most installers use different methods for gluing PVC pipe. The instructions were on the can but like so many times, men don’t follow instructions. For that matter they don’t even read them. They may “get away with it” believing they have served their customer well. I’ve made repairs twenty years later that shouldn’t have to be made. All because someone had gotten by with not following proper procedures. I believe the same holds true for other businesses and for that matter everything in life. To some extent that explains the poor drivers, parents, teachers, politicians, ministers, etc. that permeate our society. My advice is to deal with people who excel at excellence, those who are humble enough to take instruction, even if it’s on the can.

Mar 6, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Don’t Blink

Today I updated my phone plan. We entered the store at ten and left just before three. It seemed like two hours. It was almost shocking to realize that much time had passed. It seems if everything is happening very quickly. Don’t blink; you may miss something important.

Mar 5, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Homeland Security

With Homeland Security purchasing enough ammo to run the war in Iraq twenty years, one would think that the public would wake from their sleep and take note. With everyone and anyone except the politicians being considered a terrorist I suspect it may take them twenty years to completely conquer us. It’s racist to think such thoughts I know. Every thing is racist.

Mar 2, 2014 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Memories of the Nanking Massacre linger. Some deny it took place like Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura. The number killed vary from 40,000 to 300,000 depending on which scholar you listen to. An atrocity is an atrocity. When horrible things happen to a small group, it’s a tragedy; but like Stalin said when it numbers thousands it’s a statistic, at least to the perpetrators. I don’t think the Chinese have forgotten and now they feel strong enough to confront Japan. The Senkakus is just a convenient reason for China to take its rightful position as the Asian super power. Perhaps it’s also payback time. No one likes to be humbled, raped and slaughtered. Troubles brewing and the U.S. would be wise to stay out of the coming war. However, politicians often use war to distract the populace from their gross incompetent handling of the economy. The three main players, Japan, China, and America have much in common. Their politicians are all fools of the first order having done just that and therefore will engage in war to hide their misdeeds from the public. Hold onto your young men and women. This crisis will demand their lives and further our misery. It’s my desire that everyone wake up and smell the stench of Washington D.C.