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Nov 13, 2013 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Constitution

Our constitution was written by men, especially one man, who understood the problem all governments had: leaders with unlimited power over the citizen’s life. It was a short, simple, to the point document quite unlike the reams of laws our present government has. It wasn’t able to be perfect as some input by monarch lovers tainted its intent, which is to allow men free rein over their property and affairs. This sprang from the various state documents such as the Fundamental Order of Connecticut which reads: “The Word of God requires that to maintain the peace and union of such a people, there should be an orderly and decent Government established according to God.” (1639) Thomas Jefferson himself stated: “Christianity is the best friend of government. Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.” Abraham Lincoln said: “It is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to owe their dependence upon the over-ruling power of God and to recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all of history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.” Our founders had suffered under the oppression of the state and the religion they support. Finally a place was to be where men could be free; but free to do what? And where did the permission to be free come from? They boldly stated: all men are created equal, that is God didn’t prefer one over the other. That one and same God endowed them with inalienable rights, which is to say rights that are common to man and not issued according to the whims of the state. Happiness could only be pursued when these rights were the individuals only and the state was the servant of the free man. Theodore Roosevelt: “Every thinking man, when he thinks, realizes that the teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally, and I do not mean figuratively, but literally impossible for us to figure what that loss would be if would be if these teachings were removed. We would lose all the standards by which we judge both public and private morals; all the standards towards which we, with more or less resolution, strive to raise ourselves.” If we are to be free we must throw off the chains the present batch of tyrants have placed on us and resist the state in its constant striving to place us in bondage.

Aug 27, 2013 - Uncategorized    No Comments


This week we are helping take care of four of our grandchildren, all less than four years old. Two of them are four month old twin boys. Needless to say they require continuous attention. Lack of sleep is a constant reminder that life is not yours but is spent on the babies. Now we love children and understand that love demands everything from you. Everyone knows kids are stressful, especially if they’re fussy. I often see young men and women with accidental kids. Many times the “father” is chewing on the mother about something the baby needs or does. And this baby cramps the “fathers” frivolous lifestyle. Parenting with love is difficult; without it, some type of abuse is in order. It’s been said there’s a war on women. That may be true outside of Western culture. Men have been relinquished to at best a supportive role in the family. Yes, women have been duped into becoming men’s sex toys, but being gullible is hardly the result of war. Women have been persuaded to give up their most noble creation, children, all in exchange for the passing fancy of some man. The real war is on children. We abort them by the millions, abuse them, break their family’s apart, excuse people who molest them so they can be molested again. Children are innocent victims with no voice, no weapon to defend themselves, and few men and women to stand in the gap for them. But payback is at the door. This present generation, like its parents, will be less kind, more brutish, and the older will be discarded and devalued like they were.

May 27, 2013 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Glory and Honour

Some times there are just not enough days between the cradle and the grave. Much of our days on earth we find ourselves in a hurry and running out of time. Have you ever thought about the simple fact that you and I are running out of time? Scripture tells us that we are wise to number our days. What does that mean? How can we do that when we don’t know how long we live. The Bible also tells us that on average we are given about seventy years. Compared to eternity that is no time at all. So no matter if you live seven or seventy years, it’s nothing. All the minutes we live are precious. Their value is beyond price. And yet much of the time we are given is wasted. One day we stand before God to give an account of our days. How many of those days glorified the Creator and lover of our souls? How many were spent encouraging others to seek the God who will hold them accountable for their days? I have found there are only two choices in life. Honoring and glorifying myself or submitting to God and His will. My will or His will; is it my life or does it belong to Him? We’re daily in a hurry to do our will, go where we want, think what we want, love who we want. The question we all should contemplate; why are we here? The Bible says God created the world and us for His pleasure. God loves to be praised. He is the Creator of all things. He gave himself for the salvation of our souls. He is worthy to be praised and that is exactly what He desires from us. God loves us. He wants us to love Him. He wants that intimate fellowship with us, the kind that melts your heart. He wants you to desire Him as much as He desires you. So, praise the Lord, exalt Him as King. Let everything that has breath praise His holy name!

Apr 27, 2013 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Our Values Clarified

Have you ever asked yourself why you believe as you do? Everyone seems to have
their own version of the truth. Moral law was first taught using the Bible, i.e. the Ten Commandments. Our constitution was designed for a moral and religious people (Madison). However a continuous onslaught against values has diminished the Judeo-Christian law largely due to the government school system designed by John Dewey. He believed the purpose of education was to assimilate children to accepting the states dictates. This was accelerated in the 70’s with the “values clarification” teaching. You decide for yourself what truth is and the basis of the truth is discarded.
If we’re to remain free, we must agree upon two basic laws; to do all we have agreed to do and not to encroach on other persons or their property. Our founders created a new type of society, unique in its respect of persons and their property. The new government model coerces money from you for the “good” of society. At one time you were free to do with your property as you wish and only property owners could vote for politicians. Over the last two hundred years this system has been dismantled by believers in the Marxist totalitarian model. The government controls your property through regulation and taxes. And the largess is given to voters who made no contribution to building the wealth. We have now arrived at the tipping point. The producers can no longer support the house of cards that enable half the population to produce nothing but debt. The cancer of democracy has destroyed us; we can but hope we return to our roots.

Feb 3, 2013 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Sand in the Ears

Most of my life I was like most everyone else.  I had sand in my ears – apathetic to what was taking place around me.  But I have pulled my head out of the sand and have been frantically cleaning my ears out.  This doesn’t make me special; it just means that what’s happening right under all of our noses, I now see.  Our country, like the rest of the world, is crumbling before our eyes.  This blog is dedicated to getting you to answer one question that I’ve made myself answer.  Why don’t you care?

In America, we’ve become accustomed to pushing the envelope.  America has been top dog for years.  Now the promises made by arrogant politicians and their minions are about to be broken.  After years of unbridled corruption, the proletariats are convinced that a government that is monetizing its debt can keep its promises.  We’ve been suckered into planned chaos.

I have become a political atheist.  Big brother keeps giving us benefits paid for with unpayable debt.  I hope I can spread the message of freedom in an interesting and thought provoking way.  Each week I will post an entry in which I will attempt to convey the truth about how life works.  Everyone has preconceived ideas of how they believe life should be.  That being so, I am bound to offend at times.  I am a realist.  History shows us that the more things change the more they remain the same.  Men never change.  P.T. Barnum said: “There’s a sucker born every minute.”  I think he’s right.  There are a lot of suckers.  And I hope you will decide like me that you’re tire of being one of them.  When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch.