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Oct 22, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

This Sums Up The Democrats

AMarine Corps veteran was temporarily booted off a Delta plane for wearing a T-shirt that a flight attendant described as “threatening,” reports say. 

Catherine Banks told NBC Bay Area that she was preparing to visit her sister last Wednesday when she was stopped at San Francisco International Airport over her shirt that read “Do not give in to the war within. End veteran suicide.” 

“A male flight attendant was saying, ‘Ma’am, ma’am.’ I looked around, like, ‘Who was he talking to?’ And it was me. He said, ‘You need to get off the plane,’ and I was like, ‘What did I do?'” Banks told the station. 

“He said that shirt you’re wearing is threatening,” Banks continued, recalling a conversation she says she had with the Delta employee. “I said, ‘Are you kidding me? I’m a Marine Corps vet. I’m going to see my Marine sister. I’ve been in the Marine Corps for 22 years and worked for the Air Force for 15 years. I’m going to visit her.’ He said, ‘I don’t care about your service, and I don’t care about her service. The only way you’re going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now.'” 

It’s deeply disturbing how entrenched wimpy, self-righteous people are involved in our lives. This is why it’s imperative to defeat the Democrat political cabal and the Cheney/McConnell cheerleader team. They are ruining our lives and everyone’s life on the planet. Harris/Walz is the newest iteration in the world dominance clamor.

Sep 22, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

A Plan For My Life

Comrade Kamala accused Donald Trump of having no plan for our lives. This is very unnerving for those who are comforted by government plans. Witnessing government actions over my lifetime is at best disturbing. Eisenhower warned us of the military-industrial complex and how it robs us of our pursuit of happiness.

Of course, government is now involved in every aspect of our existence. Our Betters have developed and implemented plans for our existence on Planet Earth whom they are the guardians of. To say our modern lives are complex is the understatement of understatements. Congress and an army of bureaucrats drown us in laws and regulations with the sole purpose of making us slaves to the nonsensical dictates of political hacks.

Will the public continue to believe the promises made by politicians running for office? Apparently so. I guess if you run the money-printing operation day and night (which they are), those worthless papers can be laundered in any fashion by those who achieve the coveted seat of power.

The word trillion has lost its punch and I can hardly wait till we touch the first quadrillion. After all, fifteen zeros are sure to grab the public’s attention, Twelve zeros are passe, bigger is better right? Kind of like a Big Gulp. Thirty-two blessed teaspoons of sugar or go all the way and get forty teaspoons in a Super Big Gulp.

Government promises are paid for with your money. We are greedy and therefore need better promises from each new batch of politicians. Bigger is better has been the chant of our people for decades as we’ve succumbed to becoming a democracy instead of a republic. Our voter rolls are over-laden with those insatiable souls who have no qualms about destroying the future for the sake of growing fat and lazy.

So now we stand (or sit in a mobility cart) on the threshold of this promised utopian fraud. Plenty of finger-pointing will transpire when the collapse comes and I have no doubt the American public is any more aware that they will repeat the common response and choose the pleasure of tyranny over the work of individual responsibility. It’s so much easier to play the blame game and rob others to support your selfish life.

This is why the 2nd Amendment is so important. They’ve taken all the others away and our ability to protect ourselves from the mob (and by extension, government) is unfortunately all we have left. Prepare now while there is a lull in the coming storm.

Sep 5, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Knowing God

Jesus said, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. We think of Christ as feeding the poor, healing the sick, forgiving sin of those willing to confess them; Jesus is Mr. Compassion. The American church has embraced this definition of God and his Christ and used it to exalt social justice to solid Christian doctrine. What we do not understand is kindness and compassion, empathy or whatever you want to call it is merely a product of the new birth in Christ. You become a new creature to the glory of the Father.

But Jesus had a sharp rebuke for Peter in Mathew 19: 23. Get behind me Satan is a chilling response to Peter. Jesus was offended that Peter considered the will of men instead of the will of God. Peter thought he knew God but quickly found out that he had only begun to brush the surface of that impossible desire to know the one who created all things.

Saul was the first king of Israel. He didn’t do what God told him to do. His desire was to have the adoration of the people for his great exploits. Keeping the spoils of war was important to his prestige. Popularity and the praise of men was essential to staying of the throne. When David came along and achieved greater victories, Saul became jealous and the very presence of David made him angry. Saul lived his life and served as king for his own glory.

When David became king he did very sinful things. The difference between Saul and David is simply this. When confronted with his sin Saul made excuses and wasn’t repentive. David was confronted and humbled himself. That’s why David is a man after God’s own heart. David is an example for us; we need to humble ourselves before God and stop thinking this bag of flesh that’s perishing has any value outside of grace.

Aug 30, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

600 lbs. of welfare

Fat freedom. That’s where welfare has gotten us. My wife and I watched a TV program (till we couldn’t stand it) about an extremely overweight couple “struggling” to lose weight. They were under a doctor’s care and he bluntly told them the facts of life, it’s up to them to want to lose weight. He was much too kind.

They are pigs. Snort, snort, feed me! The husband had made some progress although I’ll have to say I couldn’t tell. She was just a blimp. He dutifully massaged her feet as she lay on the bed whimsical about how great it would be to weigh less. She just doesn’t know how.

My first thought is always, who’s supplying them with food? I doubt it’s family, although I would bet they’re all on the chubby list too. No, the only entity that can feed elephants is guess who, the government. On top of that, the government pays for doctors, food, housing, and everything these two leeches have. And where does the government get its money? Taxpayers.

I suppose it’s worth it. As a reward, we get to watch sloths on TV. My Favorite Sloth, now that would be a great title for the show. America is the one place where fat is fashionable.

Fat freedom is the last of the Bill of Rights they will take away. What happens then? Soylent Green. That’s the true Green New Deal.

Aug 9, 2024 - Uncategorized    No Comments

It’s Laughable

Powell speaks, the market reacts. We rely on the FED to tell us if the economy is doing well. We are a well-managed population of idiots regardless of how well we are educated. We believe the words of criminal politicians and send our kids to schools that teach them to hate us for trying to survive let alone prosper.

History offers no hope of a decline in stupidity but rather a world willing to believe that our very existence must be questioned. I’ve educated myself to the point of frustration, knowing too much, not desiring any longer to open eyes that have become too tired to open.

But I would be remiss if I didn’t make the effort. Quit trying to save your life; you can’t save yourself, not anybody. So it’s something offered but it’s up to the individual to accept.

The gate is wide which leads to destruction, the gate leading to life is very narrow, and just a few find it. The words of Christ are sobering. Just a few; maybe that’s why I have so few friends. I’m not right about everything, just staying sober and refusing to get excited about the promises of men.
