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Sep 18, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Power to Save

John 19:1-12 Then Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged him. And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe. And said, Hail, King of the Jews and they smote him with their hands. Pilate therefore went forth again and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you that you may know that I find no fault in him.

Then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man! When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him, they cried out saying, Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him and crucify him for I find no fault in him. The Jews answered him, We have a law and by our law, he ought to die because he made himself the Son of God. When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid; And went again unto the judgment hall and saith to Jesus, Whence art thou? But Jesus gave him no answer.

Then saith Pilate unto him, speakest thou not unto me? Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee and have power to release thee? Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above; therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him but the Jews cried out saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend. Whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar.

Luke 4:5-7 And the devil, taking him up into a high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, all this power will I give thee and the glory of them; for that is delivered unto me and whomsoever I will I give it, if thou therefore, bow down and worship me, all shall be thine.

Luke 3:22 But Herod the tetrarch being reproved by him (John) for Herodias his brother Philip’s wife and for all the evils which Herod had done. Added yet this above all, that he shut him in prison.

As demonstrated in the confrontation between the devil and Jesus, Satan gives power to whom he wants and the “only” thing he requires is worship, bowing to the law of rebellion. Political leaders are given their positions by being subservient to Satan. This is why America was founded on the idea that people should have the most power over their lives. When we realize that politicians’ main gig is to satisfy their constituents, we can better understand the problems with pure democracy. Politicians will submit to the rants and railings of sinful men. In a democracy the people are greater sinners than the leaders.

Even though the politician can look at the law and knows in his heart that a person is innocent, if the mob that supports him gets violent, then it’s better to cater to the mob than to exact justice. This is where America is today. We have joined the rest of the world in suppressing freedom for the benefit of the evil mob.

The mob always becomes very proficient in crushing dissent. Only a scant few will stand up to this final assault on man’s freedom. What we must remember, and is very hard to swallow, is that this power has been given to them by Satan. We must come to grips with Jesus’s warning. In this world, we will suffer persecution. If the world hated Jesus, it will hate us believers. If we point out wrongdoing by the State, we are the enemies of the state.

We’re always trying to elect someone to “save” us. There is only one Savior but a corrupt man elects corrupt leaders. We’ve accepted Christ as our Savior and like the children of Israel we’ve crossed the river but now find ourselves wandering in the desert for our whole lives. Along our journey, there are a lot of voices questioning our allegiance to a God who defines love differently than the world. The promised land isn’t anywhere on this earth.

So the question is, should we vote if we’re given the opportunity? How do we participate in democracy or should we. I look at it this way. Yes we should, however, we’ve always voted for the “lesser of two evils”. I only support those who most align themselves to the Bible, unashamed to stand with Christ. Will they win? Not usually but sometimes. God knows how you vote. Are you voting for your physical needs or the freedom to preach the gospel? Saving people and nations from their sins is the only thing that’s important. Instead of fishing (voting) for fish (the things of this world) let’s become fishers of men (the only valuable commodity in God’s eyes.

Aug 7, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Knowing the Difference

America has strayed far from its founding ideals. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to a self-centered consumerism that redefines happiness. This disease has entered much of the American church in various degrees of corruption of the faith.

Joel Osteen probably optimizes this relinquishing the blood of Christ to an uncomfortable and even unnecessary part of atoning for sin. Pursuing personal happiness through favor with God is well-accepted in this works-based Christianity that dominates America.

None of this nonsense teaching is considered to be outside the American church doctrine. Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich and increased with goods, and am in need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched, miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.

If one wishes to keep the faith then we must become teachers of the Word of God. Ezekiel 44: 23 And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause them to to discern between the unclean and the clean. These prosperity preachers always have great smiles with perfect teeth, salesmen of another gospel.

Aug 1, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Most people fear something. We have “personal” fears, spiders, the dark, failure, and the list is endless. Even the toughest of men fear something. But what I’m considering is corporate fear. Politicians create an atmosphere of fear to benefit their efforts to stay in power and the more power gained the more ruthless the politician can be. It’s not that they have double standards but that there are no standards for them.

So we spend our lives complying with the dictates of nasty arrogant men. Complying with evil men pressures us to participate in their nefarious plans. Ordinary men become monsters obeying their edicts, doing the unthinkable to the innocent who have no way to defend themselves. We fear wicked men instead of God.

The Bible tells us we shouldn’t fear men because they can only destroy the body. We should fear God because not only can He destroy the body but He can throw us into hell. The problem is, we don’t “live” around God. If we want a relationship with him we have to seek it out and on top of that, we’ve got to trust Him by faith. In fact, you can’t even please God without faith. Men on the other hand surround us every day. We can’t hardly get away and are always dealing with them.

Deuteronomy 4:9 “Only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life; but teach them thy sons and thy sons’ sons.” We forget about how serious God is. If we love our sons we will keep God’s Word and teach our children and grandchildren that fearing God will keep us from sin. Doing that helps us remember not to think too highly of ourselves.

Verse 10 continues that thought of keeping the Word of the Lord before you. We’re to gather our family and friends together to hear the Word of the Lord. Why? So they will learn to fear God. Learn fear? Didn’t we design ourselves a God who is our friend? Doesn’t God just want the best for us kind of like a good parent? Maybe we have to reconsider what kind of God we’re dealing with.

Reading further we read that God has a good handle on just what kind of people we are. Right to our face He says we’re likely to make ourselves a graven idol in the likeness of corrupt creation. Men since the beginning have worshiped the moon, sun, and stars, not to mention everything on Earth. God doesn’t like it. He created the universe. Worshiping anything besides Him is the ultimate insult to the one whose breath we breathe.

The Bible says we are scarcely saved, barely, by the skin of our teeth. God is the only one who could pay the price for disrespecting Him. What’s Jesus Christ doing in heaven except making continual intercession for us. So much for, once saved always saved.

The American church makes light of sin, imagining God as some sugar daddy, willing to do whatever we ask to satiate our lust for the things of this world. Whilst the church in much of the world suffers persecution, we in America dream the American dream; good healthcare, good job, retirement accounts, and the rest. We are poor, naked, and blind.

In Deuteronomy, we read that the slave was to serve the Master first before he took care of his own needs. I realize our enlightened world can’t grasp the concept of a world where slavery was normal. I note that Jesus never commented on the way men “organized” their lives, and never mentioned slavery. He left that to Paul who said, slaves obey your masters, and masters treat your slaves well. In slavery, marriage, work, worship, or service to the Lord, be kind. God is the master, we are the slave; service to him comes first.

Priorities form habits in our lives. Do we strive and achieve fellowship with God? Do we start our day with Him? With technology, our eyes are owned by a screen with images placed there by another god. We succumb to the lust of the eyes and that leads to tangible actions that edify the flesh and not the spirit.

Remember, the Bible says to pray that we are worthy to escape the things to come. Perilous times are coming. Everything we base truth on is quicksand fabricated by demons that are a whole lot smarter than we. Reading God’s Word reminds us of the foolishness of following the ambitions of Godless men. Samuel warned the people of Israel about having a king, but they wanted a king like the other nations of the world. I guess the Kingdom of God was too confining, too rigid, and demanded too much worship of a God you can’t see. Saul was “pretty” to look at; some flesh looks especially good.

So in the footsteps of all kings, they steal our land, and our money, encourage our children to love them and not us, and then take those precious children and send them to fight a war for the protection of their power.

Jesus said that knowing God is eternal life. We’ve got to know Him personally. That takes a daily commitment for years, our whole life, or God can’t take us seriously. We have to want a relationship with Him.

Jul 18, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

AI and the Fourth Reich

Much is written of late about AI and its probable effects on our lives. I won’t pretend to know much about it and don’t really care to know even though it no doubt will do all the nasty things promised. Nasty I say? If you make a cursory observation of mankind’s progress, one can’t help but notice the fallout all of his inventions have brought about.

Take for interest the internet. Oh, it’s the number one wonder of the world, but are we really better off because of it? Do we have less paperwork? Maybe for some who don’t value supporting documentation for anything, but for me, I drown in paper.

Am I “smarter”? I’ve got the Google Mind at my fingertips. Most have the desire to be an open vessel for whatever our internet gods have decided is truthful or worthy. In a way, the internet itself has become artificial intelligence. We are told which websites are “safe” to visit because everything today is political. Even Google has a tough time answering, is there such a thing as a woman?

There is no purpose in learning anything anymore which I suppose explains the baffling stupidity of the average American. One could say ignorant but I think that is too kind. The difference between someone who can’t read and one who doesn’t read is nil. We base life-altering changes many times on hearsay. Age-old accepted reality is now open to question.

Science has become a nuisance by propagating nonsensical theories, all of which are bolstered by mindless government grants to universities gushing with students of suspect credentials. Remembering the adage, if you torture the statistics long enough you’ll get the answer you want, is not much different than if you spend enough money your thesis is true.

As AI becomes mainstream, the need to think at all will fall into question. Are any of us smarter than the internet? Probably not. But do we want something whose only objective is group truth to manage our lives? From driving our cars to educating our children, do we really want the unbending rod of correction guiding our every decision? With a government filled with corrupt good old boys deciding where AI should shadow us, are we so enamored with the AI future that we gladly relinquish our body and mind sovereignty?

In the perfect world that lies before us there can be only one truth. What’s important is who decides what’s true or whether the truth even matters at times. The Fourth Reich is the zombie apocalypse, not a time when the body is dead but the death of the mind and then the soul.

Jul 4, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Phobias We Should Have

The Marxist propaganda machine has been very effective in labeling anyone who opposes their tyranny of change as having some sort of phobia. This gradual degradation of our reasoning ability has led to the debasement of our moral values and now, advancing to the overturning of easily observed reality, is the final step in our descent into communism.

One need not delve too far into Orwell’s 1984 and one becomes aware of how quickly we are fast-forwarding to the last page of that book. So let’s take a look at a few of the phobias the left is so critical of.

Homophobia. I’ll admit I’ve had this phobia for my whole life. I’ve met some rather sane, intelligent homosexuals, live and let-live characters. However the celebration of LGBT and now XYZ sexual preference freedom has reached the “let’s do the Sodom and Gomorrah thing”. All people of alternate sexual preferences are now under the same big tent.

Straight adults are so dedicated to the deviant culture they readily, even eagerly, drag their children to witness scantily dressed men parading in sexual displays hitherto left to exhibitions for lewd adults. We phobia-labeled domestic terrorists are now at wit’s end trying to deal with this sexual assault on our children whilst being lambasted by corrupt and perverse media. We’re accused of saying “no to gay” and burning books. We are saying no to perverts whether heterosexual or homosexual; no you can’t exploit our children’s sexual immaturity for the sake of lowering their resistance to your sexual advances..

It’s time for the worst of the homosexual, pedo community to take their dirty work back into the closet. The intent of evil men is to lower the age of consent to zero. This is why the government education system is the underpinning of perversion. The teachers’ unions are the bedrock from which all anti-God culture springs. In the mind of tyrants, your children aren’t yours; they are minions of the state-taught, self-righteousness avatars of the collective mind.

Transgenderism is the final assault on the family. Putting the kids at odds with their parents causes the foundation of parental guidance to be destroyed. In communism, the government is the father, and mother, and therefore is the only respected authority. Break the family and you break the country.

Islamaphobia. Muslims, as is typical of any immigrant group, tend to settle in the same area of a state. They have the desire to bring their culture with them and instill it in their children or better put, have a little Mideast country but with welfare benefits. Because of 9-11, some Americans are less trusting of Islam. Sharia law is alive and well in America meaning, we have Constitution-free zones in the very fabric of this country. Muslims have the same problem other immigrants have; they’re not wanting to become Americans because American ideals are considered anathema to their culture.

Women are subservient to men in Muslim communities and so abuse is rampant just as it was “back home”. Indeed, Muslim women have brought their plight before U.S. judges and have found the tragic truth; even America’s judges are subject to the whims of Islamic clerics. Anyone opposing Islamic barbarism is Islamaphobic and must be silenced as is noted by the sheep being humbled every time they fly.

I do know why the bashing and silencing of Christians is a pastime of the left and Muslim bashing is not. Christians are passive and for the most part ineffective proponents of morality and peace. Muslims on the other hand are ready and willing to make you pay a physical price for opposing them. So the left are more than willing to keep their mouths shut because dental work is so expensive and your friends and family don’t really want to visit you at the cemetery.

There is no colloquial example of black phobia however even though it’s more than obvious that whites are now the inferior race. Vengence is the new battle cry and reparations is being pushed. History is woven with wrong-doing or wrong-headed thinking. If the living can’t forgive the dead, there is no hope for the living.

BLM seems to apply only to black criminals at least for the most part. We erect monuments to common thugs and rant on and on about how put upon they were by the victims who opposed them. Blacks kill blacks in crazy numbers. Black children are killed by these celebrated black “heroes” and it’s just crickets from the press. When a black man shot a 5-year-old white boy riding his tricycle it made the news for the full 10 seconds. After all that boy was growing up to be a white supremacist. Understood, yes we understand. But black children? Blacks maintain the right to do whatever they want to do. That’s the whole thing.

Everything from math to hard work is racism. So, I have blackphobia. The criminal element of black America is the standard that demands respect.

Democratphobia. I dread every moment the Democrat Party is in control. Whether in power or out, their agenda moves forward because Republicans are for the most part quite happy building the house of cards we call the economy. Just feed them a couple crumbs and Democrats get what they want. It’s always, two steps forward, one step back.

Americaphobia. We pride ourselves on being the most educated idiots on the planet. People wear their ignorance on their sleeve like a badge of honor. I understand it. The advances the communists have made in the last fifty years is frightening. Seeing it accelerate is truly alarming. Alarming, the house is on fire and maybe you should run outside. But everything is burning outside. Gee, I wish we hadn’t soaked everything in gasoline. But we did and now we spend our days dodging fires.

Diversityphobia. Got to love the champions of diversity right? No, diversity is exactly what’s wrong with everything. A bunch of self-righteous slime buckets decides that we’ve got to make sure the soup pot has the exact portion of this and that. This is how we graduate incompetent baffoons from school. We graduate the bottom buttheads and refuse a student who got the highest SAT score ever. Many schools are doing away with testing requirements. Indeed, why waste time and energy finding the most qualified candidate when skin color is the only criterion we need to look at when picking out a qualified person? We end up with a bonafide idiot as vice president and a cabinet made up of baggage thieves and the like.

I’m wondering, is artificial intelligence racist? Probably a bunch of white racists design all this crap and so the question, is A.I. racist? I sure hope so.
