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Apr 24, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Prince

Somebody named Prince died. He had lots of fans. Kind of the Robin Williams of music I guess. It’s always sad when some one dies. So many have died. We all die. We all have to stand before Him who created this universe. No matter what you had here, the only thing that matters when you stand before Him is: do you know His son Jesus Christ. I pray Prince did; I pray you do too.

Mar 12, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Mr. Trump

Donald Trump is the only one who has said he will do something about the thugs crossing our borders. He further refuses to be afraid of the statists who have transformed free speech into hate speech. He has identified the establishment hacks and exposed them for the vipers they are. By simple words he has brought them out of the closet and we now see them. Muslims are a threat and he has taken the dangerous position of saying so. The left are all too ready to submit to Allah like good little boys and girls. The conservatives want to “talk” about it some more. Donald is the only one who has offered to protect Christians from the assault by Islam. This for once is a one issue election; protect western culture or die.

Mar 9, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Since the crowning of the present monarch for a second reign of deception, the homosexual community has been exalted to equal status as the old heterosexual standard. This has been celebrated as the new normal or as I would prefer, the new reality. To relegate homosexuals to one stereo-type is certainly unfair although it is proper to generalize that most have a propensity to be promiscuous at a rate eight times that of their heterosexual counterparts. Monogamy isn’t the usual desire of the average gay person. I believe this push for marriage is rather to accomplish two goals, one being the initiation of equality in society and the other the attraction of participating in the largess the government doles out to the rest of society. I have met some “nice” homosexuals but I don’t feel that is reason to support their desire driven agenda. I once knew a man who seemed “nice” but after their divorce I found out from his spouse that he wasn’t quite as nice as I had thought: he was a child molester. So we have to be careful about giving credence to a whole sector of society because some of them are nice. I’ve also learned that heterosexuals shouldn’t be given unfettered access to our children. The junior high our kids attended had one teacher who had a hard time keeping his hands off the girls. After being bombarded by parents he was removed. However we found out that he had been transferred to another junior high and it was the fourth time he had to be removed from a school. Like homosexuals, teachers are held in high regard. I believe it’s very dangerous to assume people are of the good character just because they’re in a favored group. The school system. along with the union, protected a predator. Are we to believe that a homosexual won’t be even more immune from discipline, as saying anything against a gay person is deemed homophobic. The man/boy sector of the homosexual community is especially troubling. Transgender individuals are coming out of the closet in droves. Exposing young children to their musings will confuse the minds of our children and interrupt the natural decision making process about sex. What we are witnessing is the abolition of normalcy and expansion of depravity. Unloosed from the mooring of Judea-Christian morality standards, society will further plunder its youth in its quest for sexual satisfaction. Once men are free to have sex with whoever they want they will demand it from whoever they want. We will have attained a rape ridden society, void of innocence and filled with frightful violence. As I often say there are too many consenting adults and I detest seeing the state under-girding their corruption. Lowering the age of sexual consent is the goal; sex with children is soon to be deemed normal. This was the societal norm in Sodom; we are well on our way to Gomorrah.

Mar 9, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. The U.S. is the venerable egg perched as it may be on a wall of debt. Eggs being as smart as they are wouldn’t know better than to set themselves in such a precarious position. Some of us watch Mr. Egg and spend much time worrying about the mess that fat egg will render when it does fall. Others celebrate Mr. Egg’s ability to be so agile and like some old circus performer on America’s Got Talent is encouraged to go higher and attain the adoration of younger days. We can’t help but be hopeful he will pull it off again. After all, the splat from such a humongous egg would be a clean-up disaster and the lingering stench would last forever. All Mr. Egg’s horses and men waiting below certainly can’t put him together again; they said they could if need be but they can’t even keep the safety net for us little eggs from breaking. I wonder how many will believe in fairy tales after the fall. I’m sorry for saying this but the yolk will be on them.

Mar 5, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Race

I don’t like to write political articles though I know we live in an age when everything seems political. Someone is offended continually and the ACLU files a suit to make sure the rest of us shape up and attain political correctness. It’s freeing when you get older as you don’t have to care so much what some clown thinks of you. I guess I could get sued and what I have could be taken. But the most valuable thing I have are my thoughts. I really don’t care what anyone thinks. I’ve written just enough to annoy the ACLU minions and probably the day will come when I’ll have to attend a re-education camp. As much fun as that will be, I’ve got to have fun now too. So here is an assessment of the current crop of candidates. This means that someone or everyone will be annoyed and I certainly hope so. There goes that rotten attitude again. Let me start with Ben Carson. His strength is his ability to overcome odds and be willing to take a risk on doing the impossible. His weakness: he is not a forceful personality. In Washington you’ve got a lot of egos and power hungry people to deal with. Now, let’s move on to Marco Rubio. His strength is akin to JFK. He’s a handsome, articulate, young man, His weakness: he’s handsome , articulate, and young. I believe his knowledge hasn’t caught up to his rhetoric. Bernie Sanders strength is his a ability to mouth the leftist dogma that appeals to the rob Peter to pay Paul crowd. His weakness: he has no concept of the need to pay for all his promises and obviously has full faith in the governments ability to kick that can down the road forever. Ted Cruz is no doubt the best at thinking on his feet; he’s a terrific debater. His weakness: his lack of charm hampers his ability to convey ideas without malice. Donald Trump is a strong leader type personality. He is quick to say things that put other candidates and the press off guard. His weakness: he is not as in depth on things he implies knowledge of or allegiance to. Hillary Clinton has spent her whole life rigging things in her favor including fan loyalty. She plays her cards well. Her weakness lies in her personal corruption and arrogant mindset. She has a holier than thou attitude. Every election is said to be the most important and we just must get out and vote. I have to agree with Ann Coulter. If we don’t settle the border and immigration problem, we don’t have a country. Donald Trump is the only one who could actually do something about it or anything else for matter. Everyone else would just talk and talk and talk; all the endless talking. Other issues don’t matter at all if the border isn’t secured. It would take a successful businessman to balance a budget, to get a project completed, and to make us profitable. The politicians are part of government. If they don’t have enough money they borrow it, steal it. or print it. Mr. Trump knows we are long past the borrowing stage, it’s wrong to steal it, and even more wrong to print it. So do I agree with everything Donald Trump would do. Probably not, but then I don’t agree with hardly anything the existing crop of politicians have done. I could have been more explicit in this assessment but it would serve no purpose. So many others have said it so much better.