There’s a war coming. The whole world is heading to war. The internet has exposed everyone to possibilities we didn’t know existed. And armed with this knowledge we are wanting what we see on that screen. So the world, discontent with its ordered past is rejecting that past and making the final push for world communion. Co-exist is a mantra of many but many more insist that it’s their way or no way. At the present time it sure seems that the wide world caliphate will win out in the end. The co-exist people are weak minded and do not understand that people who think you’re the great Satan aren’t interested in cohabitating with you and in fact would like to separate your weak mind from the rest of your body. People who bow down five times a day, memorize the Quran, and believe that you are an infidel aren’t willing to live along side of you in peace. As a Christian I can tell you that to co-exist one must throw out your values and tolerate every depravity of your fellow man. Of course the madmen of the East will have none of it. As I’ve said before, you can’t make someone be a Christian; it’s all volunteers. On the other hand with the use of violence you can convert someone to your way of thinking if their only hope is the kingdom of this world. I know I say this again and again. But it’s important to be reminded that Jesus has a kingdom outside of this world; the other religions do not. They demand obedience because this world is all they got. There’s is no hope except what can be found in this corrupt world. I, like everyone else, want the world to be a “better” place, where men live in peace. But I can see that at best, peace is a temporary thing. It doesn’t last long because men aren’t willing to submit themselves to the will of God. What is the will of God? In the book of John we are told that God is not willing that any should perish, but have eternal life. Eternal life is knowing God. The world kingdoms and their religions are very willing that people perish. In fact, they’re quite aggressive in making sure you do. So I urge everyone to come out of the darkness and realize the times in which we live. We live in the time when faith and hope will be realized in the love of Jesus Christ. If you haven’t, won’t you seek Him now while you still have time? War is coming.