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Mar 1, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments


There’s a war coming. The whole world is heading to war. The internet has exposed everyone to possibilities we didn’t know existed. And armed with this knowledge we are wanting what we see on that screen. So the world, discontent with its ordered past is rejecting that past and making the final push for world communion. Co-exist is a mantra of many but many more insist that it’s their way or no way. At the present time it sure seems that the wide world caliphate will win out in the end. The co-exist people are weak minded and do not understand that people who think you’re the great Satan aren’t interested in cohabitating with you and in fact would like to separate your weak mind from the rest of your body. People who bow down five times a day, memorize the Quran, and believe that you are an infidel aren’t willing to live along side of you in peace. As a Christian I can tell you that to co-exist one must throw out your values and tolerate every depravity of your fellow man. Of course the madmen of the East will have none of it. As I’ve said before, you can’t make someone be a Christian; it’s all volunteers. On the other hand with the use of violence you can convert someone to your way of thinking if their only hope is the kingdom of this world. I know I say this again and again. But it’s important to be reminded that Jesus has a kingdom outside of this world; the other religions do not. They demand obedience because this world is all they got. There’s is no hope except what can be found in this corrupt world. I, like everyone else, want the world to be a “better” place, where men live in peace. But I can see that at best, peace is a temporary thing. It doesn’t last long because men aren’t willing to submit themselves to the will of God. What is the will of God? In the book of John we are told that God is not willing that any should perish, but have eternal life. Eternal life is knowing God. The world kingdoms and their religions are very willing that people perish. In fact, they’re quite aggressive in making sure you do. So I urge everyone to come out of the darkness and realize the times in which we live. We live in the time when faith and hope will be realized in the love of Jesus Christ. If you haven’t, won’t you seek Him now while you still have time? War is coming.

Dec 22, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments


After two thousand years Christ has not returned. He was born, lived thirty three years, died a cruel death. We’re told the angels rejoiced when He was born because finally there was a chance for man to have peace with God. Christ would pay the price necessary to enable men to have a relationship with Him. We’re also told that the angels sing when one person comes to faith in Christ, that is, comes to the realization they are offensive to God, repent of their sin, and accept the death of Christ as payment. But most don’t come to Christ. We tend to think that we’re pretty nice people; why would God not like us just the way we are? This is the trouble the world has with God. The very wicked people maybe but us? Look at all the terrible things that besiege mankind. “Innocent” people dying every day from unthinkable violence. Seeing children suffer and die is especially hard to understand. It’s that old question that keeps popping up: how could a loving God allow such things to happen. If He is all powerful why doesn’t He step in and stop it. God seems so unloving; just a judge with no mercy. I’ll admit I’ve thought those very thoughts. But I’ve figured out that if God created everything in the universe then who am I to question anything He says or does. The Bible says when you see Israel re-born as a nation that we are rapidly approaching the day of Christ’s return. We don’t have to like or approve of the way God does things. He says, He is the potter; we are the clay. I don’t understand why things are like they are. Why does it take two thousand years for Him to fulfill His word? However Israel’s re-birth encourages me as it shows God is faithful to His Word. But it’s also terrifying to realize everything else He said is true too. That’s why angels rejoice; because another man has escaped the judgment of God.

Dec 18, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments

The Fat Man

Santa is this jolly fat man that we coerce many children to believe in. Of course they reject this cute little story eventually. Some children are also taught about a child born in a manger, who was God in human flesh, and his purpose was to die for the sins of the whole world. I’d say if they find out you lied about the fat man, they will figure you lied about the real reason for the season. Jesus said you must become like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven. You must trust and believe someone that truly loves you. Hopefully that was your parents and if you have children, it is you. Always tell the truth; children can handle the truth.

Dec 16, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments

PPH: The Terror Continues

We are told it’s hateful to go into an abortion clinic and shoot people. It is hateful. Is it any less hateful to kill a child and sell his body parts so the medical crowd can make our sorry lives better? The left claim the interviews documenting these atrocities were “edited” Everyone knows that every movie, book written, local TV show is edited. Do we really want hear the message or all the miscellaneous comments not pertinant to the message. The left is famous for deleting or blatant ignoring the facts to promote their agenda. I’d say the Christian pro-life community has remained pretty docile and accommodating to the slaughter of our children. Our society is finally free from the obligation of caring for children isn’t it? So we are told by our commander that it’s hate speech to say anything against the practice. It was against the law to protect or defend Jews in Nazi Germany. I shudder when I think that half the population support this butchery. And now with the shootings in San Bernardino California we are being told what not to say about the perpetrators. The regime gets upset about a few killed but only for political purpose. The young are sacrificed daily for the same purpose: to satisfy a depraved population. Civility is breaking down every where, being promoted by the powers that be. As we speak there is a big push by the regime to rid our society of “assault” guns as these are the only weapons that have any ability to fight a tyrannical regime. I’m asking you to wake up, the fundamental change promised us is here and in my view it would be better to die standing than to try to live on my knees in an orange jump suit.

Dec 13, 2015 - Uncategorized    No Comments


I have trouble writing as it seems everything is so overwhelmingly depressive. Knowing what God has said would happen in the end may be enlightening but not necessarily of immediate comfort. I pray for strength to endure through it all and to convey the truth to those that are lost. God chose the people of Israel as His people, not because of their goodness but as an example of how good He is to choose us. The story of Israel is a tale of all nations with the populace choosing a man to rule instead of God. Israel chose Saul, strong, tall, good looking, and let’s not forget charming. From that point it was a political roller coaster, some good, but as is our observation, mostly bad. You see men like to be told by another man what to do, what is right and wrong, how money should be spent, etc. In this way they believe they negate their responsibility for the consequences of their poor choices. But culpability is inescapable. The notion that we reap what we sow is not something that crosses our mind. The western world had swallowed this hook, line, and sinker. Politicians are very good at pitting races and social classes against each other. Just imagine if there was no serious strife in the population; politicians would have nothing to propose. So leveling the “playing” field has become the number one tool in their arsenal. And it is played to nauseous levels at every turn. Unfortunately the masses are illiterate when it comes to cause and effect arguments. I find it’s difficult to get anyone interested in the truth. Maybe it’s because what is obvious is too unthinkable. And so it is we’ve given up our desire to think.