Dec 19, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Clinton News Network

I’m hoping this offends somebody and in our divided country I will get my wish. We’ve been on vacation the last two weeks and I’ve had to suffer watching cable TV. In San Diego, we were with my sister and her husband. CNN was on always. I hadn’t been exposed to any CNN in quite some time.

What is clearly evident is the fact there is no news except President Donald Trump. Except for an occasional severe storm, their coverage is only of Trump and then only critical of him and everyone in his administration. What else is obvious is that only those who are consumed with hate could watch this daily.

The news organizations are biased. They hate what America stood for which means they hate me. As for the viewers that listen and believe the hateful nonsense that spill from their lips, alas they hate me too. The reason we refer to their ilk as “fake news” is simply this: they report (and I use the term loosely) that this president is evil and of course that means his supporters are evil.

We aren’t evil. We’re not the ones discarding 650,000 products of conception a year. We don’t slaughter 13,000 babies in late-term abortions. We don’t have comedians who mock the unborn and trivialize their lives.

I’m proud to be a horrible white male, a believer in Jesus Christ, married to the same woman for forty years, suspicious of the legalization of sexual perversion, and vehemently opposed to the assault on free speech, and the exalting of the holier-than-thou snowfake generation.

The young are ignorant, intolerant dangerous truthaphobes and have fully become usefull little Marxists. Their animosity today can only lead to violence tomorrow. History tells us that bloodshed is always necessary for tyrants to get their way. Our temporary consolation is the second amendment, meaning we still have some means to fight back when their black boots come to our door. That’s why assault weapons are important. If the police and army come knocking your door down a pistol would be worthless.

The remnant of civilized men dwindles whilst the number of useful idiots grows. I’m not afraid of the odds but I am disheartened by the number of those on “my side” who slumber contently. But that is why history repeats itself.

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