The president of the United States is supposedly supreme commander of the U. S. military. Everybody thinks that’s so, well not everybody. There are an entrenched bunch of military officers who believe they know what our military should be doing and so, like all the resisters in the Deep State, they openly defy our president. The words that follow example what is part and parcel to the way our government officials respond to their leader.
President Kennedy remarked at how frustrating it was to implement anything which he desired because by the time it worked its way through the government machine, it hardly resembled what he had in mind. Now over fifty years later the government machine has become an albatross around the neck of the nation, dictating conflicting regulations and rules on everyone including whoever is in the Oval Office.
When Donald Trump was elected, things suddenly changed. There was a real man in that Oval Office and having worked with the New York equivalent of the D.C. monster, he had learned what made it tick and knew how corrupt it all was. This is the reason for the hatred of Donald Trump. Those entrenched bureaucrats have multiplied and form an army of entitled workers. And even the military have their own little piece of the control-freak pie. It’s all funded by debt, ever-mounting debt. So the new kid in town has no friends; he has enemies.
Considering that the richest counties in the U.S. surround Washington D.C. it’s easy to understand why the hate is so great. A lot of useless workers will lose the nipple they suck on. The public on the other hand is different. Opposition on the left derives from a hatred of capitalism and all of its supporting structures. Journalists are, by far, extreme left in their thinking as they’ve gone to the same Marxist loving/America hating colleges as most everyone else. So, with the media beating the drum of hatred and a myriad of organisations from the ACLU to Soros-funded covert coup conspirators, the millennial age voter is very maneuverable. They are not motivated by the truth and the consequences there of, but are driven by their emotions which are easily provoked. Their world view has been shaped increasingly with media exposure and much less by logic and common sense. Media has made it possible to create realities that do not exist but still have the power to shape the ideas ignorant people honor with committed allegiance.
U.S. Navy Admiral Davidson ordered U.S. troops to train with the Communist Chinese troops. President Trump had placed General Camera second in command to those forces but U.S. Rear Admiral Collin Green countered that measure and furthermore in defiance to our president said he was going to severely punish Navy Seal Chief Petty Officer Gallagher that President Trump had cleared of all charges. So even some of our military commanders are up in arms about having their stranglehold on power questioned.
We are in the fight of our lives. All liberty is at stake. If you don’t participate, the twerking crowd will destroy everything, and what has taken centuries to maintain will be lost forever. That thing lost is called freedom and the opportunity only comes on the scene once in history. Use all of your energy and resources to fight the good fight. We must not fail. The Left will fight hard and dirty. Hollywood, all of media is against the moral building blocks of our families. They teach perversion of biology in school to facilitate their sexual desires because their desire for unnatural sex is insatiable. The age of consent must be lowered in their minds and it most easily will be achieved if children are sexualized and then clamor for it themselves. We do not want to relive the agony of Lot.