Cure Violence
Dr. Gary Slutkin, typical leftist, thinks there’s too much violence in America. That I agree with. Guns are the culprit in his eyes and therefore if you eliminate guns, violence will be greatly decreased.
While it is true that guns are the preferred method by leftists to kill each other and us innocent bystanders too, eliminating guns will only result in more brutal ways to kill someone. Marxists think of people as being things, widgets if you will, albeit with some semblence of usefulness.
The rejection of Biblical values (knowing there’s a God and knowing He will hold you accountable) had tamped down to a great degree this need for vengeance and retribution. Since the founding of our country there have been plenty of guns. Most people used them in a responsible manner. Murders? Sure but not the American pastime it has become. President Obama stoked the fires of hatred in this country, preaching that America was fundamentally flawed and had to be changed. So here we are suffering from the efforts of godless evil men.
Television and movies have promoted killing here and abroad. Video games are created around the premise that killing is sport. We’ve killed the innocent (unborn) by the millions, a selfish lot we are.
Dr. Gary Slutkin and his Cure Violence are members of the ESG crime syndicate along with the Clinton Crime Money Laundering scheme and a plethora of other Marxist organization aimed at managing the rest of us, monitoring us for disobedience to the state.
These people are over-educated and under the impression that they know what’s wrong with the rest of us and as good people are willing to fix us. ESG will destroy every personal freedom we have. Mark of the Beast anyone?