Nov 25, 2021 - Politics    No Comments

Dizzy Lizzy

Liz Cheney prides herself on being “one of the adults in the room. This of course means she is no fun to be around. Some think she’s courageous for standing against Donald Trump, not to mention the seventy million who voted for him. She’s got balls or some say. Really?

First of all she’s not transgender so she has no balls. But joking aside, standing against the constitution, and everything good about America hardly takes courage. She is a poster child for the old RINO establishment good-old-boy network, and hopes those glorious days of war-prone nation-building types will save the day from the big orange man.

It takes no balls to stand with the Marxist thugs of the Democrat Party. Old Liz is trying to carve a little niche in the Republican Party just like Collins, Murkowski and the rest who love being McCain-like “mavericks” and believe that makes them somehow more valuable to Congress as a whole.

Trump was an affront to the incumbency fraught political juggernaut we suffer under. Witnessing the wicked assault on Donald Trump it’s doubtful anyone else would volunteer to stand against the “woke” mob. Donald Trump is the one with balls. Sad to say there are so few men left like him. Most men want to be girls or at least hide behind them; happy wife, happy life, but no balls.

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