Mar 10, 2023 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Having been attacked by two dogs I’m not really in love with dogs as a good share of the population seems to be. We have one, a pug, and I’ll admit he is probably the easiest of the lot to have around. So if I must (and it seems I do) have a dog our pug is probably as good as it gets.

Reading this morning about another pitbull attack just reminds me of my bewilderment with those that own such rotten animals. Pitbulls aren’t the only dogs that attack but as blacks aren’t the only ones who murder, they make up a larger percentage of the population than is reflective of their population numbers.

So in the same way that black criminals’ lives matter, pit bulls enjoy this allegiance by their owners that seem to defy logic. Black men are human and over time should be able to be rehabilitated, and encouraged by society to be a player in this game called life. But, like pitbull owners, the government has told black men they are the butt of discrimination and deserve to reap revenge on their fellow man.

The excuses for violence are many, even placing the blame on the victims. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. We looked at them wrong. It’s always amusing that a motive is always looked for. Whether you’re hurt or murdered by a human or a dog owner’s neglect, the perpetrator deemed your life of no value.

So what if you were hurt. The dog must live on to hurt someone else. The murderer must live on; an eye for an eye is outdated is it not. The advantage is to the discriminated group whether human or dog.

Whether it’s people or dogs, if they’re trained to lash out at those around them, it’s probably better to stay home with your pug.

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