Election Denial
Fraud and corruption have been part of elections for years but it was when Al Gore took his loss all the way to the Supreme Court over “hanging chads” that protesting of election results became a passion for politicians, especially those of the Democratic Party. Well over a hundred times they’ve denied the results of being defeated.
Stacey Abrams still thinks she won over Kemp even though 50,000 votes separated them. Hillary along with her party persists to this day that Donald Trump’s presidency was illegitimate.
Now Democrats are shouting that if people vote for Republicans that democracy is over. We are in danger of losing our freedoms if people vote! Democrats have led the charge in the Covid lockdown which ruined our lives, are letting the most violent of criminals out with no bail, have allowed five million to illegally enter our country in less than two years, and collapsed the economy with their climate-change nonsense.
Joe Biden and his merry band of demented lunatics are the very definitions of tyrants, eliminating every freedom our constitution gave us. Opposing democrat policies is tantamount to sedition, and insurrection and any opposition is worthy of an indictment, any truth is Russian disinformation. And they wonder why only fools trust them.
I fully expect election results to be muddled and some races won’t be decided till democrats have had time to fondle the ballots, Like 2020 we’re supposed to believe that a majority in any state supports the collapse of our country. But the real reality may just bite them in the butt. People who have to work for a living know what’s going on. Inflation isn’t a word Republicans taught us as the media says; no it’s a real thing that affects people who don’t have a big bankroll. The Dems will get very violent if they actually lose. I’m ready, are you?