Feb 6, 2018 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Episcopal Church

The Episcopalians are at it again, making apostacy normal.  The feminazis have determined that God is at best a non-gender entity and if I’m right it won’t be long until His gender is fluid and malleable.

I used to do repair work years ago and one of my regular customers was the Episcopal Diocese.  It was a grand old looking “cathedral” on the south side of town.  It was in need of updating but I got the impression there would never be enough funds for such things.  I would on occasion glance through some of their “propaganda” and having been brought up in a Bible-believing church, I didn’t have to read far to understand the heresy in their teaching.

Like most heretics, they fall prey to their own bias to the creature rather than respecting God and His Word.  They don’t want to offend anyone so the Bible must be watered down to accommodate the sinful nature of mankind.  The possibility that they may offend God never enters their mind.  After all, God may have created the universe, but His scripture is chock full of ill-written dogma of antiquated prophets.  The Universal Church issues the same pedantic delusions.  They both teach the doctrines of demons.

God loves sinners and you can come just the way you are.  That part is true.  But they believe you can remain in your sinful state.  Just ask the man upstairs to forgive your mistakes and you’re home free.  Yes, you must become a “nice” person, donate to the church rummage sales, and not judge anyone, but you can defy plainly written scripture.  After all, God is a god of love.  He’s one of the good old boys.  And it’s for sure He wouldn’t send anyone to Hell; that’s a lie too.  In other words, God is a chump, a wonderful sugar daddy, and being we were created in His image, He must be as corrupt as we are,

The Episcopal Church split a few years ago and I do realize that not all Episcopalians are apostates.  The testimony of John Ramsey led me to believe there must be a few in that church who know and love God.  Churches have tares and wheat together and so it will remain till the harvest at His return.  Return quickly Lord,  Return soon.

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