Jun 17, 2016 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Fifty Dead

Why would anyone of the Islamic faith kill a bunch of homosexuals? Are people of the homosexual faith treated poorly in Muslim countries? Are 1.3 billion followers of Allah culpable for not reigning in these “extremists”? So many questions; such easy answers. America is filled with ignorant chumps and the rest of us have to suffer because of their arrogant ranting. A lot of us are tired of it but most of us are getting old and will pass soon. But it’s our kids who must pay the biggest price for the idiot thoughts that rule our country. That’s the most frustrating because many times our own children haven’t caught up to the reality that there are many sinister people out to destroy them and don’t deserve a voice in a free society because they don’t believe in a free society. Basic reality 101: liberty is the only thing that protects us from thugs whether it’s on the streets or in government. Wake up!

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