Jun 9, 2017 - Uncategorized    No Comments


Some of the followers of Christ were fisherman. Jesus called various others but fisherman were important for teaching the basic responsibility of a Christian. There are many ways to judge ourselves as to whether we are doing the work of Christ but fishing is probably the final question on the exam. Jesus said “I will make you fishers of men”. Of all the things we could ask ourselves, it all boils down to this one test. Have we become fishers of men? Jesus came to save the lost. He wasn’t willing that any should perish. That’s how we’re supposed to think. I don’t know much about fishing but the experts can tell us what to do and the same rules can be followed when fishing for men. Your fishing gear should be simple. Don’t complicate a message that’s easy to understand. Use the right bait. People are attracted to different words. They have different needs. Think before you put your bait out there. Don’t hold the bait too tightly. Put a little slack in the line. By listening you discover which hook to use. Probably something I should have mentioned first: are you going to the right fishing hole? No need to cast your net where there are no fish or as scripture puts it, casting pearls before swine. Then comes the biggest challenge for the fisherman: patience. They may not bite that day. And it may well be that you will catch a fish you had no intention of catching. Happy fishing!

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